Dub Spencer & Trance Hill/RIDING STRANGE HORSES [Echo Beach] release 2010

Artwork : Nico Liebetanz
(from Amazon.de)
2008/05~2009/06, Kriens(Swiss), Phillipp Greter (prod)
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill (Phillipp Greter (org, kb, melodica), Markus Meier (g, vo), Marcel Stalder (b), Julian Dillier (ds)), Stéphanie Scalbert (strings), Martha and the Muffins (vo), Grauzone (vo), Martin Eicher (vo), Ken Boothe (vo), William White (vo), Lee "Scratch" Perry (vo), The Catch (vo), John Savannah (vo), The Ruts (vo), Dave Ruffy (vo), Segs Jennings (vo), Lino Mandato (vo), Robin Scott (vo), William S. Burroughs (vo) (collectively)
01. The Man with the Harmonica
02. London Calling
03. Echo Beach (feat. Martha and the Muffins)
04. Jeanny
05. Eisbar
06. When I Fall in Love (Dub Version)
07. Smoke on the Water (feat. William White)
08. 25 Years (feat.The Catch)
09. West One (Shine on Me) (feat. The Ruts)
10. Stop Bajon (Primavera) (feat. Lino Mandato)
11. Enter Sandman
12. Mama
13. Pop Muzik (feat. Robin Scott)
14. Blackboard Jungle (feat. Lee "Scratch" Perry)
15. The Saints Go Marching through All the Popular Tunes (feat. William S. Burroughs)
16. When I Fall in Love
これは、Dub Spencer & Trance Hill(DS&TH)の3枚目のalbum。いろんな有名曲をremixしてDubに乗せたproject。
このうちThe Clashのremixが評判となり、4枚目のalbum、The Clashのremix/Dub作品
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill/THE CLASHIFICATION OF DUB [Echo Beach] release 2011

(from Amazon.co.jp)
Dub Spencer & Trance Hill/WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS IN DUB [Echo Beach] release 2014

Art Work : Ben Hito
をリリース。そこにRIDING STRANGE HORSESの15. The Saints Go Marching through All the Popular Tunes も再録したのであった。
The Saints Go Marching through All the Popular Tunes
のDub tuneは、これだけでは終わらない。
実は2010年には、remix/Dubのネタとして、The Saints Go Marching through All the Popular Tunes を取り上げたbandがもう一つあった。
それがDubblestandart。やはり欧州のDub Bandだ。どうなってんの?次回はこれも紹介してみよう。