


William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan


ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、

・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC. 
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社, 
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.


Wayne Horvitz (kb), Bill Frisell (g), Eyvind Kang (vln) (推定)
06. The Afterbirth King

これは、Burroughsが登場しないInterludeのような短いインスト曲。Eyvind Kangのvlnが05から続く強烈な毒気を消毒する役割を果たしている。1995年の音源。


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), King Khan (g, vln, b, syn) (推定)
07. Lief the Unlucky

この曲は、King Khanが一人で多重録音したもののよう。おそらく2016年音源。



Leif The Unlucky was a tall, thin Norwegian, with a patch over one eye, his face congealed in a permanent, ingratiating smirk. Behind him lay an epic saga of unsuccessful enterprises. He had failed at raising frogs, chinchilla, Siamese fighting fish, rami and culture pearls. He had attempted, variously and without success, to promote a Love Bird Two-in-a-coffin Cemetery, to corner the condom market during the rubber shortage, to run a mail order whore house, to issue penicillin as a patent medicine. He had followed disastrous betting systems in the casinos of Europe and the race tracks of the U.S. 

His reverses in business were matched by the incredible mischances of his personal life. His front teeth had been stomped out by bestial American sailors in Brooklyn. Vultures had eaten out an eye when he drank a pint of paregoric and passed out in a Panama City park. He had been trapped between floors in an elevator for five days with an oil-burning junk habit and sustained an attack of D.T.s while stowing away in a foot locker. Then there was the time he collapsed with strangulated intestines, perforated ulcers and peritonitis in Cairo and the hospital was so crowded they bedded him in the latrine, and the Greek surgeon goofed and sewed up a live monkey in him, and he was gangfucked by the Arab attendants, and one of the orderlies stole the penicillin substituting Saniflush; and the time he got clap in his ass and a self-righteous English doctor cured him with an enema of hot, sulphuric acid,

from NAKED LUNCH, pp.151-152



from 『裸のランチ』, pp.248-249






William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan


ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、

・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC. 
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社, 
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Bill Frisell (g), King Khan (g, vln, org), Eyvind Kang (vln), Jenny Sheinman (vln), Hank Roberts (cello), Tony Sherr (b), Kenny Wollesen (ds), Hal Willner (samples) (推定)
05. Disciplinary Procedures

弦楽器陣による不穏なfree improvisationに始まり、中間はstring ensembleにKing Khanのguitarが加わる。

そして、またもやC&W調のアップテンポになる。ここのguitarはBill Frisellっぽい。ところどころに挟まるsaxはHal Willnerによるsamplingだろう。実際の演奏が誰かはわからない。



To this end I devised several forms of disciplinary procedure. One was known as The Switchboard. Electric drills that can be turned on at any time are clamped against the subject’s teeth; and he is instructed to operate an arbitrary switchboard, to put certain connections in certain sockets in response to bells and lights. Every time he makes a mistake the drills are turned on for twenty seconds. The signals are gradually speeded up beyond his reaction time. Half an hour on the switchboard and the subject breaks down like an overloaded thinking machine.

“The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods.

from NAKED LUNCH, pp.21-22



from 『裸のランチ』, p.50


"Many subjects are vulnerable to sexual humiliation. Nakedness, stimulation with aphrodisiacs, constant supervision to embarrass subject and prevent relief of masturbation (erections during sleep automatically turn on an enormous vibrating electric buzzer that throws the subject out of bed into cold water, thus reducing the incidence of wet dreams to a minimum). Kicks to hypnotize a priest and tell him he is about to consummate a hypostatic union with the Lamb-then steer a randy old sheep up his ass. After that the interrogator can gain complete hypnotic control-the subject will come at his whistle, shit on the floor if he but say Open Sesame. 

"Needless to say, the sex humiliation angle is contraindicated for overt homosexuals. (I mean let’s keep our eye on the ball here and remember the old party line … never know who’s listening in.) I recall this one kid, I condition to shit at sight of me. Then I wash his ass and screw him. It was real tasty. And he was a lovely fellah too. And some times a subject will burst into boyish tears because he can’t keep from ejaculate when you screw him. 

"Well, as you can plainly see, the possibilities are endless like meandering paths in a great big beautiful garden.

The subject will come at his whistle, shit on the floor if he but say Open Sesame.

from NAKED LUNCH, pp.24-25





from 『裸のランチ』, pp.53-54


We must never forget our glorious simian heritage. Doc Browbeck was party inna second part. A retired abortionist and junk pusher (he was a veterinarian actually) recalled to service during the manpower shortage. Well, Doc had been in the hospital kitchen all morning goosing the nurses and tanking up on coal gas and Klim -- and just before the operation he sneaked a double shot of nutmeg to nerve himself up."

from NAKED LUNCH, p.26


from 『裸のランチ』, p.56


"I had a yagé hangover, me, and in no condition to take any of Browbeck's shit. First thing he comes on with I should start the incision from the back instead of the front, muttering some garbled nonsense about being sure to cut out the gall bladder it would fuck up the meat. Thought he was on the farm cleaning a chicken. I told him to go put his head back in the oven, whereupon he had the effrontery to push my hand severing the patient's femoral artery. Blood spurted up and blinded the anesthetist, who ran out through the halls screaming. Browbeck tried to knee me in the groin, and I managed to hamstring him with my scalpel. He crawled about the floor stabbing at my feet and legs. Violet, that's my baboon assistant -- only woman I ever cared a damn about -- really wigged. I climbed up on the table and poise myself to jump on Browbeck with both feet and stomp him when the cops rushed in.

"Well, this rumble in the operating room, 'this unspeakable occurrence' as the Super called it, you might say was the blow off. The wolf pack was closing for the kill. A crucifixion, that's the only word for it. Of course I'd made a few 'dummheits' here and there. Who hasn't? There was the time me and the anesthetist drank up all the ether and the patient came up on us, and I was accused of cutting the cocaine with Saniflush. Violet did it actually. Had to protect her of course....

"So the wind-up is we are all drummed out of the industry. Not that Violet was a bona fide croaker, neither was Browbeck for that matter, and even my own certificate was called in question. But Violet knew more medicine than the Mayo Clinic. She had an extraordinary intuition and a high sense of duty.

"So there I was flat on my ass with no certificate. Should I turn to another trade? No. Doctoring was in my blood. I managed to keep up my habits performing cut-rate abortions in subway toilets. I even descended to hustling pregnant women in the releaselic streets. It was positively unethical. Then I met a great guy, Placenta Juan the After Birth Tycoon.

from NAKED LUNCH, pp.26-27




こうして私は、医師免許もなく放り出された。商売替えをすべきだろうか? とんでもない。医者稼業は親ゆずりの好きな道だ。私は地下鉄のトイレットで割引料金の堕胎手術をやって何とか自分の週間を維持した。そして、街頭で妊婦をくどいたりするところまで身を落とした。まったく不道徳だった。それから大物に出会った---後産(あとざん)業界の巨頭プラセンタ・フワンだ。

from 『裸のランチ』, pp.56-58


Kwakiutl Cannibal Society initiates bite off noses and ears....

A coprophage calls for a plate, shits on it and eats the shit, exclaiming, "Mmmm, that's my rich substance."

from NAKED LUNCH, p.33



from 『裸のランチ』, p.66


Gentle reader, the ugliness of that spectacle buggers description. Who can be a cringing pissing coward, yet vicious as a purple-assed mandril, alternating these deplorable conditions like vaudeville skits? Who can shit on a fallen adversary who, dying, eats the shit and screams with joy? Who can hang a weak passive and catch his sperm in mouth like a vicious dog? Gentle reader, I fain would spare you this, but my pen hath its will like the Ancient Mariner. Oh Christ what a scene is this! Can tongue or pen accommodate these scandals? A beastly young hooligan has gouged out the eye of his confrere and fuck him in the brain. "This brain atrophy already, and dry as grandmother's cunt."

from NAKED LUNCH, p.34

心優しき読者諸君、この見せ場の醜悪さときたら、筆舌に尽くし難いほどだ。すくみあがって小便をもらす臆病者でありながら、同時に尻が紫のマンドリルのように悪意に満ち、この二種類の惨めな状態を立ちあい漫才のように切り替えられるなんて! 倒れた敵の上に糞をたれ、その敵は、死にかけているくせにその糞を食べて喜びで叫ぶなんて! 弱い受け身の相手を絞首刑にして、その精液をいまわしい犬みたいに口で受けるなんて! 心優しき読者諸君、本来なら喜んでこうした光景を眼に触れないよう気づかう私であるが、わがペンは、かの老水夫のごとき意思を持ちあわせているのだ。おお神よ、なんという光景だろう! こんな醜聞は筆舌をもって描きつくせるものではない。獣のような若いならず者が対戦相手の目玉をくりぬき、その脳を犯している。「この脳はもう萎縮しちゃってるよ、おばあちゃんのまんこみたいにカラカラだ」

from 『裸のランチ』, p.68


お馴染みキチ◯イ医師Benwayの独白である。Dr. BenwayによるFreeland支配の方法論から、Dr. Benwayの過去、Burroughsお得意の手術ドタバタ、そして変態嗜好のおぞましい描写が続く。






William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan


Wayne Horvitz (kb), Bill Frisell (g), Eyvind Kang (vln) (推定)
03. Baboon



William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Bill Frisell (g) (推定)
04. This You Gotta Hear




ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、

・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC. 
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社, 
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.


"This you gotta hear. Boy in Los Angeles fifteen year old. Fathter decide it is time the boy have his first piece of ass. Boy is lying on the lawn reading comic books, father go out and say: 'Son, here's twenty dollars; I want you to go to a good whore and get a piece of ass off her.'

"So they drive to this plush jump joint, and joint, and the father say, 'All right, son. You're on your own. So ring the bell and when the woman come give her the twenty dollars and tell her you want a piece of ass.'

" 'Solid, pop.'

"So about fifteen minutes later the boy comes out: "Well,son, did you get a piece of ass?'

" 'Yeah. This gash comes to the door, and I say I want a piece of ass and lay the double sawski on her. We go up to her trap, and she remove the dry goods. So I switch my blade and cut a big hunk off her ass, she raise a beef like I reduce to pull off one shoe and beat her brains out. Then I hump her for kicks."

from NAKED LUNCH, p.100







from 『裸のランチ』, pp.167-168


小話の集大成と解釈することもできる、THE NAKED LUNCHらしい一挿話。その中でも比較的軽めのバカ話だ。






William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan


ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、

・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC. 
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社, 
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Eyvind Kang (vln), King Khan (vln, syn, ds), Jenny Sheinman (vln), Hank Roberts (cello), Hal Willner (music) (推定)
02. Manhattan Serenade

これは、もともと3枚組NAKED LUNCHにあった1995年音源(Eyvind Kangが作るインド風音楽)をベースに、King KhanとHal Willnerが音を重ねていったような感じ。




Manhattan Serenade. A. J. and entourage start into New York night club. A. J. is leading a purple-assed baboon on a gold chain. A. J. is dressed in checked linen plus fours with a cashmere jacket.

MANAGER: “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What’s that?’

A. J.: “It’s an Illyrian poodle. Choicest beast a man can latch onto. It’ll raise the tone of your trap.”

MANAGER: “I suspect it to be a purple-assed baboon and it stands outside.”

STOOGE: “Don’t you know who this is? It’s A. J., last of the big time spenders.”

MANAGER: “Leave him take his purple-assed bastard and big time spend some place else.”

A. J. stops in front of another club and looks in. “Elegant fags and old cunts, God damn it! We come to the right place. Avanti, ragazzit”

He drives a gold stake into the floor and pickets the baboon. He begins talking in elegant tones, his stooges filling in.



“Utter heaven1”

A. J. puts a long cigarette holder in his mouth. The holder is made of some obscenely flexible material. It swings and undulates as if endowed with loathsome reptilian life.

A. J.: “So there I was Hat on my stomach at thirty thousand feet.”

Several nearby fags raise their heads like animals scenting danger. A. J. leaps to his feet with an inarticu-late snarl.

“You purple-assed cocksucker!” he screams. “I’ll teach you to shit on the floor!” He pulls a whip from his umbrella and cuts the baboon across the ass. The baboon screams and tears loose the stake. He leaps on the next table and climbs up an old woman who dies of heart failure on the spot.

A. J.: “Sorry, lady. Discipline you know.”

In a frenzy he whips the baboon from one end of the bar to the other. The baboon, screaming and snarling and shitting with terror, climbs over the clients, runs up and down on top of the bar, swings from drapes and chandeliers….

A. J.: “You’ll straighten up and shit right or you won’t be inna condition to shit one way or the other.”

STOOGE: “You ought to be ashamed of yourself up-settin’ A. J. after all he’s done for you.”

A. J.: “Ingrates! Every one of them ingrates! Take it from an old queen.”

from NAKED LUNCH, p.129-130





取巻き「この人がだれだか知らないのか? 最後の浪費家A・Jだぞ」


A・Jは別のナイト・クラブの前で立ち止まり、ちょっとのぞいてみる。「エレガントなおかまとあばずれお婆さんがいやがる、畜生め! やっと望みどおりの店へきたぞ。進軍、突撃!」













A・J「恩知らずめ! どいつもこいつも恩知らずだ! 老ホモの女王のおれ様がおっしゃってるんだぞ」

from 『裸のランチ』, pp.213-215






William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan


ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、

・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC. 
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.

Cover Design : Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich


・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社, 
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.

カバー・デザイン : 菊地信義


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), King Khan (g, b) (推定)
01. The Exterminator

これはKing Khan一人多重録音だと思う。

多重録音double guitarsの美しい調べに乗って、Burroughsが自分の害虫駆除業者時代の経験に基づく文を朗読。


They call me the Exterminator. At one brief point of intersection I did exercise that function and witnessed the belly dance of roaches suffocating in yellow pyretheum powder (“Hard to get now, lady… war on. Let you have a little…. Two dollars.”) Sluiced fat bedbugs from rose wall paper in shabby theatrical hotels on North Clark and poisoned the purposeful Rat, occasional eater of human babies. Wouldn’t you?

from NAKED LUNCH, p.171

おれは害虫駆除者と呼ばれている。たしかに、ほんの一時期この仕事をやって、黄色い粉の中で窒息するアブラムシの尻ふりダンスを見た。(「このごろは害虫退治のこの薬はなかなか手に入りませんよ、奥さん・・・戦時中だからね。少しやりましょうや・・・ 二ドルだよ」)ノース・クラーク街のみすぼらしい芸人ホテルの壁紙から出てくる肥ったナンキンムシも殺したし、ときどき人間の赤ん坊をかじるドブネズミも毒殺したよ。どうだね?

from 『裸のランチ』, pp.279-280






Hal Willner produceシリーズ。第3弾。

William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan




今回は、全編THE NAKED LUNCH(裸のランチ)からの朗読だ。


【映画】 David Cronenberg (dir) (1991) NAKED LUNCH.


これに関連して、William S. BurroughsがTHE NAKED LUNCHを朗読した3枚組CDが1995年に発売。それがこれ。

William S. Burroughs/NAKED LUNCH [Warner Bros.] release 1995

Package Design : Barbara Hamagami

なおTHE NAKED LUNCHは、Cronenbergの映画以降、THEがとれた形で表記されるようになっている。


このCDは、ほとんどがBurroughsの無伴奏朗読で、朗読の切れ目にBill Frisell、Wayne Horvitz、Eyvind Kangらによる音楽が間奏として入っている。

これは今はほとんど出回っていないし、大部なので、後回しにしよう。LET ME HANG YOU のあとで紹介。


NAKED LUNCHのproducersはHal WillnerとJames Grauerholz(Burroughsの秘書)。

Hal Willnerは、このアルバム完成後、間奏だけではなく、朗読のバックに音楽をつけた形でもリリースしたいと考えていたらしい。

しかし、前々作DEAD RADIO CITY(1990)、前作SPARE ASS ANNIE・・・(1993)の売れ行きは、それほどでもなかったのだろう(私も最近まで知らなかったし)。それでその計画も頓挫。


そこに現れたのが、Canadaのインド系musicianであるKing Khan(A.A. Khan)(1977-)。彼の助けを借りてアルバム制作が再始動。

Bill Frisellらの既存音源も充分活用しつつ、足りない部分を補って、Hal Willnerと共にアルバム全体を構成していった。


前々作、前作のようにIsland Labelというmajorなところから、とはいかず、minor labelからのreleaseになったが、とにかくreleaseされたことを喜びたい。

・GIZMODO > CATEGORY > ENTERTAINMENT > 勝山ケイ素/ウィリアム・バロウズ本人による小説「裸のランチ」朗読音声の魔力 (2016.07.21 21:00)


ca.1995, Lawrence (Kansas)
William S. Burroughs (vo, words)

ca.1995+ca.2016, Seatle (WA)+Venice (CA)+Berlin, Hal Willner+James Grauerholz+A.A. Khan (prod)
El Congo Allen (tp), Wayne Horvitz (kb), Bill Frisell (g), King Khan (g, b, vln, syn, p, org, ds), Eyvind Kang (vln, erhu, shani), Jenny Sheinman (vln), Hank Roberts (cello), Tony Sherr (b), Kenny Wollesen (ds), Hal Willner (sampling, turntables), M. Lamar (vo), The Frowing Clouds (Nick Van Bakel (g), Zak Olson (g), Daff Gravolin (g), Jake Robertson (b), Jamie Harmer (ds))  (collectively)

01. The Exterminator
02. Manhattan Serenade
03. Baboon
04. This You Gotta Hear
05. Disciplinary Procedures
06. The Afterbirth King
07. Lief the Unlucky(小説ではLeifだが、CDの表記に従う)
08. Let Me Hang You
09. Islam Incorporated
10. The Queen Bee
11. Clem Snide the Private Asshole
12. Gentle Reader
13. Quick


今回はKing Khanが中心になって音作りをしているが、前面に出ているのはHal Willnerの御用達になっているBill Frisellらの1995年音源。Frisellは、これまでも、Mingus曲集などで中心的役割を担っている。



最初に書いてしまうが、Burroughsの朗読とback tracksが融合していない。朗読の効果音にしかなっていないようにも感じる。


King Khanらの音源は、Burroughsの朗読が録音されてから、これに音をつけるのに長く間があいたせいもある。熱気が少し足りない。






William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly


Michael Franti (vo), William S. Burroughs (words)
15. Last Words with Michael Franti

これは、10. Last Wordsの一部を、今度はMichael Frantiが朗読。


Listen to my last words anywhere. Listen to my last words any world. Listen all you boards syndicates and governments of the earth. And you powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory to take what is not yours. To sell the ground from unborn feet forever--

from William S. Burroughs (1964) NOVA EXPRESS. Grove Press, NYC.

・ONSCENES > Philosophy > LAST WORDS (6/21/2017)


from W・S・バロウズ・著, 山形浩生・訳 (1995.3) 最語. 『ノヴァ急報』所収. p.10. ペヨトル工房, 東京. 


最後は、Chris Hunterのguitarに乗せて、完成記念の乾杯。

Cheers !
Salud !



SPARE ASS ANNIE ・・・は、今回は新作の音楽に力を入れているだけあって、前回のDEAD CITY RADIOよりもダレる部分が少ない。妙な聖書朗読もないし・・・。

さすがに、15分に及ぶ13. The Junky's ChristmasはディープBurroughsファン向けだが・・・。

02. Spare Ass Annie、04. The Last Words of Sutch Schultzの流れが素晴らしい。

Burroughsの定番持ちネタである07. Dr. Benway Operates14. Words of Advice for Young Peopleが収録されているのもうれしい。


THE NAKED LUNCHやその系列に当たるINTERZONEからの朗読である02. Spare Ass Annie09. Did I Ever Tell You about the Man That Taught His Asshole to Talk? の異様な世界観はやっぱり素晴らしい。




ただし、これは推測でしかないのだが、SPARE ASS ANNIE・・・、のBurroughsパートは1988~89年にDEAD CITY RADIO制作時に大量に録っておいたものかもしれない、とも思っている。

そしてMaterialのSEVEN SOULSHALLUCINATION ENGINEのBurroughsパートも、Bill LaswellがHal Willnerからその一部を譲り受けたのかもしれない。両者のアルバム制作時期がシンクロしすぎているのだ。



というところで、これも1ヶ月かかったSPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALESもこれで終わり。




William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly




William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Hal Willner (music), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Ralph Carney (as), Peter Scaturro (org), Charlie Hunter (g)
14. Words of Advice for Young People



で紹介したMaterial/HALLUCINATION ENGINE [Island/Axiom] release 1994 収録のWords of Adviceの別versionだ。




HALLUCINATION ENGINEでは、Bernie WorrellやSly Dunbarのback trackでsoulfulな演奏だったが、ここではorgan、guitarを入れたup-tempoでfunkyなrhythm。




People often ask me if I have any words of advice for young people.

Of advice for young people.

Well, here are a few simple admonitions for young and old.

Never interfere in a boy and girl fight. Beware of whores who say they don't want money. The hell they don't. What they mean is that they want more money; much more. If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing; his word isn't worth shit, not with the good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.

Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.

Avoid Fuck Ups. < -- omitted -- > You all know the type. Anything they have anything to do with no matter how good it sounds, turns into a disaster < -- omitted -- >

Do not proffer sympathy to the mentally ill < -- omitted -- > Tell them firmly I am not paid to listen to this dribble! You are a terminal FU!

Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.

Now some of you may encounter the devil’s bargain if you get that far. Any old soul is worth saving at least to a priest, but not every soul is worth buying. So you can take the offer as a compliment. They charge the easy ones first, you know, like money, all the money there is. But who wants to be the richest guy in some cemetery? Money won't buy. Not much left to spend it on, eh, Gramps? Getting too old to cut the mustard. 

How's a young body grab you? Like three card monte, like pea under the shell, Now you see it, now you don't. Haven't you forgotten something, gramps? In order to feel something, You've got to be there. You have to be eighteen. You're not eighteen. You are seventy-eight. Old fool sold his soul for a strap-on. 

Well I always try the easy ones first so how about an honorable bargain? You always wanted to be a doctor well now here's your chance. < -- omitted -- > Why you could become a great healer and benefit humanity what's wrong with that? Just about everything. There are no honorable bargains involving exchange of qualitative merchandise like souls for quantitative merchandise like time.

Piss off Satan and don't take me for dumber that I look for Christ's sake.

An old junk pusher told me "watch whose money you pick up".

Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.

People often ask me if I have any words of advice for young people.

引用元 :
・Internet Archive > Full text of "William S.Burroughs – Art Now: A Day of Contemporary Art Prose Reading, July 1989, Naropa Institute." (as of 2017/11/04)
・Jason J. Jones Web Development/Bunker 306 Productions > Complete Listing of Bunker 306 Sites > William S. Burroughs > Words of Advice(as of 2017/11/04)






前にも紹介したように、この曲はBill Laswellによって、いろいろremixされて、12"singleとしても発売されている(analog only)。

ProduceはHal WillnerとThe Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisyの二人。これ、どういういきさつだったんだろうなあ。

William S. Burroughs/ADVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE [Island Red Label] release 1993

1993, Unknown place, Hal Willner+Michael Franti+Rono Tse (prod)

A1. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Interzone Radio Edit)
A2. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis Radio Edit)
A3. Pete Arden (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Round The World Mix)
B1. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Interzone Extended Mix)
B2. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis-Lemurs In The Mist-Interzone Mix)
B3. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis Mix)



BURROUGHS WITH MUSIC (48) The Junky's Christmas(映像版)

2回に渡って取り上げた 13. The Junky's Christmas だが、実はこの映像版があるのだ。驚きですよね。

【映像】 Nick Donkin+Melodie McDaniel (dir) (1993) THE JUNKY'S CHRISTMAS.

ただし、このDVDはRegion 1版しか出ていないので、DVDドライブRegion Code変更とかが面倒な人は、

・YouTube > William S Burroughs - The.Junky's Christmas. Full Version. (Posted by HughieDixon on 2011/01/25)



ProduceはどういうわけかFrancis Ford Coppolaだ!何なんだ、これは?

Packageを見てもわかる通り、実は映像はClay Animation。とはいえ、非常によくできたClay Animationである。

SPARE ASS ANNIE・・・収録のThe Junky's Christmasが、音楽も込みでそのまま使われており、これに映像をつけたもの。白黒。


最初はイントロとして、Christmas Treeと暖炉のある自宅(本物かなあ?)で、本棚から自分の本INTERZONEを取り出す。


プレゼントの箱が動いたかと思うと、蓋を開けて子猫が飛び出す。あはは、これはTHE CAT INSIDEのパロディだ。


そしてBurroughsの朗読と共にClay Animationが始まる。

Miniatureの街もよくできているし、zoom-upやpanningもふんだんに使われ、実写さながらのcamera workだ。うならされる。


主人公Danny the Carwiperのルックスには、ちょっと好き嫌いあるだろう。Clay Animationのcharacterなので、造形に限界はあるんだろうが、これはどう見ても黒人という扱いだ。違うと思うなあ・・・。







それにしても楽しいclay animationだ。15分間全く飽きない。

Clay animationが終わると、Burroughsが本を閉じる。そして隣りの部屋へ移動すると、そこには・・・・。








William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Hal Willner (music), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Peter Scaturro (org), Chris Hunter (g)
13. The Junky's Christmas


























「くそ!」ダニーは声にだしていった。「これだもの、このごろは。足だよ! でも、ケースはいける」あとの包みも捨てた。血のしみはない。スーツケースのふたを閉じて、その場をはなれた。






「どういうこと? どうしろっていうの?」






ばかにしたように、ギムピーはスーツケースを軽く蹴った。「きずだらけだわ、見場はわるいわ」ギムピーはへんな臭いをかぎとった。「この臭い、なんなの? メキシコの革?」




「どこにいたっていうの? おととい、つかまったよ」

「ええ! なんでよ」

ダニーは外にでた。さあ、どうする? ギリシア人ジョージとは長いつきあいだ。どんなときだって手にはいるものと思っていた。質のいいヘロイン、それも量のごまかしてないやつ。




< -- 省略 -- >














茶色い建物の窓に表札がでていた。「医師P・H・ズニガ」ダニーはドアベルをおした。ゆっくりとあるく音が近づいた。ドアがあいて、医師は充血した茶色い目でダニーをみた。< -- 省略 -- > 医師はなにもいわなかった。ただよりかかって、ダニーをみた。




「おぼえてます? 先生」ダニーは相手の横をすりぬけて、なかにはいろうとした。「せっかくのクリスマスなのに、すいません。でも、またでたんです」

















< -- 省略 -- >





たっぷり一分はきいていた。ベッドにもどって、ダニーは腰をおろした。なんで、だれも医者を呼ばないの? 腹がたった。気がめいっちゃうよ。腕をのばして、ダニーは目薬さしをかまえた。首をかたむけたとき、また声が耳にはいった。

かんべんしてよ! ハンカチーフをはずすと、ダニーは目薬さしをコプにいれて、くずかごのかげに隠した。廊下にでて、となりの部屋のドアをたたいた。答えはなかった。うめき声はつづいている。ドアをおしてみた。あいた。







< -- 省略 -- >











< -- 省略 -- >


すごい! きっと、純粋なやつにあたったんだ。


from ウィリアム・バロウズ・著, 諸岡敏行・訳 (1992.5) ジャンキーズ・クリスマス. ユリイカ, vol.24, no.5, pp.90-96.








・ウィリアム・バロウズ・著, 柴田元幸・訳 (1997.1) ジャンキーのクリスマス. エスクァイア日本版, 1997年1月号.
→ 再録 : 柴田元幸・編訳 (2009.6) 『いずれは死ぬ身』所収. pp.31-44. 河出書房新社, 東京.





William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Hal Willner (music)
12. Interlude 4 (Fletch Is Here)

Oh yes, I will pierce. I will fletch. Guess I will fletch. I will relay.
Uh, this is from INTERZONE. The Junky's Christmas.

録音の合間の雑談。Hal Willnerが拾ってきた、女性chorus旧録がback。Burroughs、かなりリラックスしている。


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Hal Willner (music), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Peter Scaturro (org), Chris Hunter (g)
13. The Junky's Christmas


Back trackは、場面場面で色々切り替わり、ここは完全に朗読の効果音。DEAD CITY RADIOと似たやり方。


It was Christmas Day and Danny the Car Wiper hit the street junksick and broke after seventy-two hours in the precinct jail. It was a clear bright day, but there was warmth in the sun. Danny shivered with an inner cold. He turned up the collar of his worn, greasy black overcoat. 

This beat benny wouldn't pawn for a deuce, he thought.

He was in the West Nineties. A long block of brownstone rooming houses. Here and there a holy wreath in a clean black window. Danny’s senses registered everything sharp and clear, with the painful intensity of junk sickness. The light hurt his dilated eyes.

He walked past a car, darting his pale blue eyes sideways in quick appraisal. There was a package on the seat and one of the ventilator windows was unlocked. Danny walked on ten feet. No one in sight. He snapped his fingers and went through a pantomime of remembering something, and wheeled around. No one.

A bad setup, he decided. The street being empty like this, I stand out conspicuous. Gotta make it fast. 

He reached for the ventilator window. A door opened behind him. Danny whipped out a rag and began polishing the car windows. He could feel the man standing behind him.

"What’re yuh doin'?"

Danny turned as if surprised. "Just thought your car windows needed polishing, mister." 

The man had a frog face and a Deep South accent. He was wearing a camel’s-hair overcoat.

"My caah don’t need polishin’ or nothing stole out of it neither."

Danny slid sideways as the man grabbed for him. "I wasn’t lookin’ to steal nothing, mister. I’m from the South too. Florida "

"Goddammed sneakin’ thief!"

Danny walked away fast and turned a corner.

"Better get out of the neighborhood. That hick is likely to call the law."

He walked fifteen blocks. Sweat ran down his body. There was an ache in his lungs. His lips drew back off his yellow teeth in a snarl of desperation.

"I gotta score somehow. If I had some decent clothes"

Danny saw a suitcase standing in a doorway. Good leather. He stopped and pretended to look for a cigarette.

"Funny," he thought. "No one around. Inside maybe, phoning for a cab."

The corner was only a few houses. Danny took a deep breath and picked up the suitcase. He made the corner. Another block, another corner. The case was heavy.

"I got a score here all night," he thought. "Maybe enough for a sixteenth and a room." Danny shivered and twitched, feeling a warm room and heroin emptying into his vein." Let’s have a quick look."

He stepped into Morningside Park. No one around. 

"Jesus, I never see the town empty."

He opened the suitcase. Two long packages in brown wrapping paper. He took one out. It felt like meat. He tore the package open at one end, revealing a woman’s naked foot. The toenails were painted with purple-red polish. He dropped the leg with a sneer of disgust.

"Holy Jesus!" he exclaimed. "The routines people put down these days. Legs! Well I got a case anyway." He dumped the other leg out. No bloodstains. He snapped the case shut and walked away.

"Legs!" he muttered.

He found the Buyer sitting at a table in Jarrow’s Cafeteria.

"Thought you might be taking the day off." Danny said, putting the case down.

The Buyer shook his head sadly. "I got nobody. So what’s Christmas to me ?" His eyes traveled over the case, poking, testing, looking for flaws. "What was in it?"


"What’s the matter ? I don’t pay enough?"

"I tell you there wasn’t nothing in it."

"Okay. So somebody travels with an empty suitcase. Okay." He held up three fingers.

"For Christ’s sake, Gimpy, give me a nickel."

"You got somebody else. Why don’t he give you a nickel ?"

"It’s like I say, the case was empty."

Gimpy kicked at the case disparingly. "It’s all nicked up and kinda dirty-looking." He sniffed suspiciously. "How come it stink like that? Mexican leather ?"

"So am I in the leather business?"

Gimpy shrugged- "Could be." He pulled out a roll of bills and peeled off three ones, dropping them on the table behind the napkin dispenser. "You want?"

"Okay." Danny picked up the money. "You see George the Greek?" he asked.

"Where you been ? He got busted two days ago."

" Oh …That’s bad."

Danny walked out. "Now where can I score ?" he thought. George the Greek had lasted so long, Danny thought of him as permanent. "It was good H too, and no short counts."

Danny went up to 103rd and Broadway. Nobody in Jarrow’s. Nobody in the Automat.

"Yeah, " he snarled. "All the pushers off on the nod someplace. What they care about anybody else? So long as they get in the vein. What they care about a sick junky?"

He wiped his nose with one finger, looking around furtively.

< -- omitted -- >

There was no one he knew in the 23rd Street Thompson’s.

"Jesus," he thought. "Where is Everybody?"

He clutched his coat collar together with one hand, looking up and down the street. "There’s Joey from Brooklyn. I’d know that hat anywhere."

"Joey! Hey, Joey!"

Joey was walking away, with his back to Danny. He turned around. His face was sunken, skull-like. The gray eyes glittered under a greasy felt hat. Joey was sniffing at regular intervals and his eyes were watering."

"No use asking him," Danny thought. They looked at each other with the hatred of disappointment.

"Guess you heard about George the Greek, "Danny said. 

" Yeah. I heard. You been up to 103rd?"

" Yeah. Just came from there. Nobody around."

"Nobody around anyplace, " Joey said. "I can’t even score for goofballs."

"Well, Merry Christmas, Joey. See you."

"Yeah. See you."

Dany was walking fast. He had remembered a croaker on 18th Street. Of course the croaker had told him not to come back. Still, it was worth trying.

A brownstone house with a card in the window: "P. H. Zunniga, M.D." Danny rang the bell. He heard slow steps. The door opened, and the doctor looked at Danny with bloodshot brown eyes. < -- omitted -- > He said nothing. He just leaned there, looking at Danny.

"Goddammed alcoholic," Danny thought. He smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Doctor."

The doctor did not reply.

"You remember me, Doctor." Danny tried to edge past the doctor, into the house. "I’m sorry to trouble you on Christmas Day, but I’ve suffered another attack."


"Yes. Facial neuralgia." Danny twisted one side of his face into a horrible grimace. The doctor recoiled slightly, and Danny pushed into the dark hallway. 

"Better shut the door or you’ll be catching cold, " he said jovially, shoving the door shut.

The doctor looked at him, his eyes focusing visibly. "I can’t give you a prescription," he said.

"But Doctor, this is a legitimate condition. An emergency, you understand."

"No prescription. Impossible. It’s against the law."

"You took an oath, Doctor. I’m in agony." Danny’s voice shot up to a hysterical grating whine.

The doctor winced and passed a hand over his forehead.

"Let me think. I can give you one quarter-grain tablet. That’s all I have in the house."

"But, Doctor – a quarter G …."

The doctor stopped him. "If your condition is legitimate, you will not need more. If it isn’t, I don’t want anything to do with you. Wait right here."

The doctor weaved down the hall, leaving a wake of alcoholic breath. He came back and dropped a tablet into Danny’s hand. Danny wrapped the tablet in a piece of paper and tucked it away.

"There is no charge." The doctor put his hand on the doorknob. "And now, my dear …"

"But, Doctor – can’t you object the medication?"

"No. You will obtain longer relief in using orally. Please not to return. " The doctor opened the door.

"Well, this will take the edge off, and I still have money to put down on a room," Danny thought.

< -- omitted -- >

Danny put down two dollars on a six-dollar-a-week room in the West Forties, where he knew the landlord. He bolted the door and put his spoon, needle and dropper on a table by the bed. He dropped the tablet in the spoon and covered it with a dropperful of water. He held a match under the spoon until the tablet dissolved. He tore a strip of paper, wet it and wrapped it around the end of the dropper, fitting the needle over the wet paper to make an airtight connection. He dropped a piece of lint from his pocket into the spoon and sucked the liquid into the dropper through the needle, holding the needle in the lint to take up the last drop.

Danny’s hands trembled with excitement and his breath was quick. With a shot in front of him, his defences gave way, and junk sickness flooded his body. His legs began to twitch and ache. A cramp stirred in his stomach. Tears ran down his face from his smarting, burning eyes. He wrapped a handkerchief around his right arm, holding the end in his teeth. He tucked the
handkerchief in, and began rubbing his arm to bring out a vein.

"Guess I can hit that one," he thought, running one finger along a vein. He picked up the dropper in his left hand.

Danny heard a groan from the next room. He frowned with annoyance. Another groan. He could not help listening. He walked across the room, the dropper in his hand, and inclined his ear to the wall. The groans were coming at regular intervals, a horrible inhuman sound pushed out from the stomach.

Danny listened for a full minute. He returned to the bed and sat down. "Why don’t someone call a doctor?" he thought indignantly. "It’s a bringdown." He straightened his arm and poised the needle. He tilted his head, listening again.

"Oh, for Christ’s sake!" He tore off the handkerchief and placed the dropper in a water glass, which he hid behind the wastebasket. He stepped into the hall and knocked on the door of the next room. There was no answer. The groans continued. Danny tried the door. It was open.

The shade was up and the room was full of light. He had expected an old person somehow, but the man on the bed was very young, eighteen or twenty, fully clothed and doubled up, with his hands clasped across his stomach.

"What’s wrong, kid?" Danny asked.

The boy looked at him, his eyes blank with pain. Finally he got one word: "Kidneys." 

" Kidney stones?" Danny smiled. " I don’t mean it’s funny, kid. It’s just … I’ve faked it so many times. Never saw the real thing before. I’ll call an ambulance."

The boy bit his lip. "Won’t come. Doctor’s won’t come." The boy hid his face in the pillow.

Danny nodded. "They figure it’s just another junky throwing a wingding for a shot. But your case is legit. Maybe if I went to the hospital and explained things… No, I guess that wouldn’t be so good. "

< -- omitted -- >

Danny trailed off. Suddenly he put out his thin, dirty hand and touched the boy’s shoulder.

" I – I’m sorry, kid. You wait. I’ll fix you up."

He went back to his room and got the dropper, and returned to the boy’s room.

"Roll up your sleeve, kid." The boy fumbled his coat sleeve with a weak hand.

"That’s okay. I’ll get it." Danny undid the shirt button at the wrist and pushed the shirt and coat up, baring a thin brown forearm. Danny hesitated, looking at the dropper. Sweat ran down his nose. The boy was looking up at him. Danny shoved the needle in the boy’s forearm and watched the liquid drain into the flesh. He straightened up.

The boy's face began to relax. He sat up and smiled. 

"Say, that stuff really works," he said. "You a doctor, mister?"

"No, kid."

The boy lay down, stretching. "I feel real sleepy. Didn’t sleep all last night." His eyes were closing.

Danny walked across the room and pulled the shade down. He went back to his room and closed the door without locking it. He sat on the bed, looking at the empty dropper. It was getting dark outside. Danny’s body ached for junk, but it was a dull ache now, dull and hopeless.

< -- omitted -- >

Suddenly a warm flood pulsed through his veins and broke in his head like a thousand golden speedballs.

"For Christ’s sake," Danny thought. "I must have scored for the immaculate fix!

The vegetable serenity of junk settled in his tissues. His face went slack and peaceful, and his head fell forward.

Danny the Car Wiper was on the nod.

from William S. Burroughs (1989) The Junky's Christmas. IN : INTERZONE. Viking, NYC.

(1990) Penguin Books, Harmondsworth版

・DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND.COM > Discuss > The DU Lounge > Loonman/It Was Christmas Day and Danny the Car Wiper hit the street....(Wed Dec-24-03 11:22 AM).






William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly


William S. Burroughs (vo, words), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Peter Scaturro (org), Vaughan Martinian (vo)
11. A One God Universe

Organと女性chorusが加わりsoulfulなback trackだ。朗読の方は、相変わらずわけがわからんが。


Consider the impasse of a one God universe. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. He can’t go anywhere since He is already everywhere. He can’t do anything since the act of doing presupposes opposition. 

His universe is irrevocably thermodynamic having no friction by definition. So, He has to create friction: War, Fear, Sickness, Death…. To keep his dying show on the road.

Sooner or later, “Look boss we don’t have enough energy left to fry an elderly woman in a flea bag hotel bar.” “Well, we’ll have to start faking it.” 

Joe looks after him sourly and mixes a bicarbonated soda. “Sure, start faking it. Sure, and leave the details to Joe.” Now look, from a real disaster you get a pig of energy: Sacrifice, Heroism, Grief, Separation, Fear and Violent Death, and remember one violent death yields more energy than a cancer ward. So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one. So, from a energy surplus you can underwrite the next one. But the first one’s a fake, you can’t underwrite a shithouse! Trying to explain to God Almighty where His one God universe is going. The asshole doesn’t know what buttons to push or what happens when you push them! Abandon ship, god damn it every man for himself! 

Recollect Pope John XXIII saying, “Like a little soldier, I stand at attention in the presence of my captains.” The old army game from here to eternity: Get there firstest with the brownest nose.

・Tommi Stough/tommi's blog > OGU(March 7, 2005)


これはTHE WESTERN LANDS Chapter 5の一節を、Burroughsがmodifyしたもの。そのままの形は本では見つからない。

THE WESTERN LANDS特有の異様な空気にあふれている。




William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly


Ras I. Zulu (vo), William S. Burroughs (words), Chris Hunter ? (g)
10. Last Words with Ras I. Zulu


シャープなguitar cuttingに乗って、Ras I. ZuluがRagamafin朗読。Jamaica訛りで読むと、また全然Burroughsの文章らしくなくなる(笑)。おもしろい。


Listen to my last words anywhere. Listen to my last words any world. Listen all you boards syndicates and governments of the earth. And you powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory to take what is not yours. To sell the ground from unborn feet forever--

“Don’t let them see us. Don’t tell them what we are doing---” 

Are these the words of the all-powerful boards and syndicates of the earth? 

"For God’s sake don’t let that Coca-Cola thing out--

"Not The Cancer Deal with The Venusians---" 

"Not The Green Deal—Don’t show them that---"

"Not The Orgasm Death---"

"Not the ovens---"

from William S. Burroughs (1964) Last Words. IN : NOVA EXPRESS. Grove Press, NYC.

(2014) Penguin Modern Classics版

・ONSCENES > Philosophy > LAST WORDS (6/21/2017)









from W・S・バロウズ・著, 山形浩生・訳 (1995.3) 最語. 『ノヴァ急報』所収. p.10. ペヨトル工房, 東京. 

装幀 : ミルキィ・イソベ


意味はさっぱりわからない。NOVA EXPRESSはいわゆる「CUT-UP三部作」の一つなので、これもcut-upの手法で作られているのだろう。
