William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
William S. Burroughs (vo), NBC Symhony Orch, Frank Denning (comp)
05-1. After-dinner Conversation ("An Atrocious Conceit")
It has sameness as Ernest Hemingway.
The hole in the middle of his forehead was about the size of a pencil.
Was the bullet.
The hole in the middle of his forehead where the bullet went in was about the size of a pencil.
The hole in the back of his head where the bullet came out was big enough to put your fist in if it was a small fist and you wanted to put it there.
It's said about it. The hole in the back of his head where the bullet came out was big enough to put your fist in if it was a small fist and you wanted to put it there.
・Goon Talk > Scott Warmuth/Vive le Vol: Bob Dylan and the Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway (21st July 2013)
・The Liberal Gun Club Forum > GlockLobster/Re: Kel-tec KSG bullpup review (Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:17 pm)
Enrest Hemingway (1933) A Natural History of the Dead.
< -- omitted -- > a hole in front you couldn’t put your little finger in and a hole in back you could put your fist in, if it were a small fist and you wanted to put it there < -- omitted -- >
from Enrest Hemingway (1933) A Natural History of the Dead
・The Teacher's Crate > ARCHIVES > March 2014 > The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (March 1, 2014) > Ernest Hemingway (1987) THECOMPLETE SHORT STORIES OF ERNEST HEMINGWAY. THE FINCA VIGIA EDITION. 535pp. Scribner, NYC.
・e-notes > Study Guides > A Natural History of the Dead Summary : Ernest Hemingway > Synopsis (as of 2017/11/12)
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