William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), NBC Symhony Orch, Frank Denning (comp)
03. Naked Lunch Excerpts ("You Got Any Eggs for Fats ?") / Dinner Conversation ("The Snakes")
NBC Symphony Orchの美しい曲をバックに、THE NAKED LUNCHの汚濁に満ちた一節を朗読していく。
ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、
・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC.
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社,
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.
"Ever see a hot shot hit, kid? I saw the Gimp catch one in Philly. We rigged his room with a oneway whorehouse mirror and charged a sawski to watch it. He never got the needle out of his arm. They don't if the shot is right. That's the way they find them, dropped full of clotted blood hanging out of blue arm. The look in his eyes when it hit -- Kid, it was tasty....
from NAKED LUNCH, p.4
「ホット・ショットを見たことがあるかい? おれはフィリー(フィラデルフィア)でちんばの野郎がひっかかるのを見たよ。おれたちはやつの部屋に淫売屋用の覗き鏡を仕掛けて、そいつを見物するのに金をとるんだ。やつは針を腕から抜きもしなかった。本物のホット・ショットの注射なら抜けないからな。そうやって血の塊りの詰まった注射器(ドロッパー)を青ざめた腕からぶら下げたままで発見されるんだ。まったく、あれをぶちこんだときのちんばの目つきときたら、なんとも言えなかったぜ・・・・」
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.22-23
The Meet Cafe occupies one side of the Plaza, a maze of kitchen, restaurants, sleeping cubicles, perilous iron balconies and basements opening into the underground baths.
On stools covered in white satin sit naked Mugwumps sucking translucent, colored syrups through alabaster straws. Mugwumps have no liver and nourish themselves exclusively on sweets. Thin, purple-blue lips cover a razor-sharp beak of black bone with which they frequently tear each other to shreds in fights over clients. These creatures secrete an addicting fluid from their erect penises which prolong life by slowing metabolism. (< -- omitted -- >) Addicts of Mugwump fluids are known as Reptiles. A number of these flow over chairs with their flexible bones and black-pink flesh. A fan of green cartilage covered with hollow, erectile hairs through which the Reptiles absorb the fluid sprouts from behind each ear. The fans, which move from time to time touched by invisible currents, serve also same form of communication known only to Reptile.
from NAKED LUNCH, p.46
白いサテンにおおわれた腰掛けには裸体の大立て者たちがすわり、雪花石膏のストローで半透明の色つきシロップをすすっている。大立て者たちには肝臓がなく、甘い物だけで滋養をとっている。薄い、青紫色の唇がカミソリのように鋭い黒い骨のくちばしをおおい隠している。彼等はしばしば客をめぐる争いで、このくちばしを使って、たがいにずたずたに切り裂き合う。また、この連中は勃起したコックから中毒性の液体を分泌し、これが新陳代謝を緩慢にして寿命をのばす。(< -- 省略 -- >) 大立て者液の中毒者は爬虫類の名で知られる。しなやかな骨と黒みがかったピンク色の肉をもったこれらの動物は、椅子の上からぐったりと体をはみ出させている。それぞれの耳のうしろからは扇型の軟骨が飛び出し、爬虫類が駅を吸うのに使う中空の直立した毛におおわれている。ときどき見えない流れに触れて動くこの扇形の軟骨は、爬虫類だけにわかる通信機関の役目も果たしている。
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.85-86
The Sailor spotted his Reptile. He drifted over and ordered a green syrup. The Reptile had a little, round disk mouth of brown gristle, expressionless green eyes almost covered by a thin membrane of eyelid. The Sailor waited an hour before the creature picked up his presence.
"Any eggs for Fats ?" he asked, his words stirring through the Reptile's fan hairs.
It took two hours for the Reptile to raise three pink transparent fingers covered with black fuzz.
It took two hours for the Reptile to raise three pink transparent fingers covered with black fuzz.
Several Meat Eaters lay in vomit, too weak to move. (The Black Meat is like a tained cheese, overpoweringly delicious and anusseating so that the eaters eat and vomit and eat again until they fall exhausted.)
A painted youth slithered in and seized one of the great black claws sending the sweet, sick smell curling through the café.
from NAKED LUNCH, p.47
from 『裸のランチ』, p.87
Burroughsの声もスゴイが、やっぱり原文の威力が圧倒的。THE NAKED LUNCHの迫力は異様だ。
後に、WillnerはTHE NAKED LUNCHの朗読だけを集めたアルバムも制作しているが、なんとCD3枚組だ。これも後で紹介する。
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