Dub Spencer & Trance Hill/WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS IN DUB [Echo Beach] release 2014

Art Work : Ben Hito
05. Virus B-23 (Cities of the Red Night)
from Virus B-23 (rec.1975/04/17) IN : WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS / JOHN GIORNO

also Virus B-23 (rec.1975/04/17). IN : THE BEST OF WILLIAM BURROUGHS : CD3-01

お次は、Burroughsによれば、1975年時点で執筆中の小説CITIES OF THE RED NIGHTからの朗読だと言うのだが、
・William S. Burroughs (1981) CITIES OF THE RED NIGHT. Viking Press, NYC.
にはこの文章は見当たらない。この部分は1975年当時の草稿で、その後ボツになったのだろう(秘書James Garuerholzが、売り物になるよう、だいぶ切り刻んだらしい)。それを考えると、貴重な朗読ということになる。
Ah, this reading is from a novel in progress titled "CITIES OF THE RED NIGHT".
This passage concerns a virus which occasions biologic alterations in those who survive, and these alterations are genetically conveyed giving rise to a race of mutants known as the feverfreaks. Some of these mutations are favorable and some otherwise.
A top government official bluntly warned:
"Virus B-23 now loose in our overcrowded cities, is an agent that produces biologic changes in those affected < -- omitted -- > they will spread as far and fast as possible to destroy enemies and quite literally make friends."
Junkies, however, are only lightly affected by the virus and remain characteristically unchanged.
・EOI SABIÑÁNIGO > 4. DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS > Categorías > LISTEN & READ > William S. Burroughs 1914-1997 (December 5th, 2014)
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