Dub Spencer & Trance Hill/WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS IN DUB [Echo Beach] release 2014

Art Work : Ben Hito
06. 103rd Street Boys
from 103rd Street Boys (rec.1975/03/05) IN : WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS / JOHN GIORNO

also 103rd Street Boys (rec.1975/03/05) IN : THE BEST OF WILLIAM BURROUGHS : CD1-02

・William S. Burroughs (2008) JUNKY (Penguin Modern Classics). xli+166pp. Penguin Books, London.
← 初出 : (1953) A A Wyn Inc., NYC.

・ウィリアム・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.12) 『ジャンキー』(河出文庫). 河出書房新社, 東京.

カバーデザイン : 菊地信義
The hipster-bebop junkies never showed at 103rd Street. The 103rd Street boys were all oldtimers -- thin, sallow faces; bitter, twisted mouths; stiff-fingered, stylized gestures. (There is a junk gesture that marks the junky like the limp wrist marks the fag: the hand swings out from the elbow stifffingered, palm up.) They were of various nationalities and physical types, but they all looked alike somehow. They all looked like junk. There was Irish, George the Greek, Pantopon Rose, Louie the Bellhop, Eric the Fag, the Beagle, the Sailor, and Joe the Mex. Several of them are dead now, others are doing time.
There are no more junkies at 103rd and Broadway waiting for the connection. The connection has gone somewhere else. But the feel of junk is still there. It hits you at the corner, follows you along the block, then falls away like a discouraged panhandler as you walk on.
Joe the Mex had a thin face with a long, sharp, twitchy nose and a down-curving, toothless mouth. Joe's face was lined and ravaged, but not old. Things had hap pened to his face, but Joe was not touched. His eyes were bright and young. There was a gentleness about him common to many oldtime junkies. You could spot Joe blocks away. In the anonymous city crowd he stood out sharp and clear, as though you were seeing him through binoculars. He was a liar, and like most liars, he was constantly changing his stories, altering time and personnel from one telling to the next. One time he would tell a story about some friend, next time he would switch the story around to give himself the lead. He would sit in the cafeteria over coffee and pound cake, talking at random about his experiences.
"We know this Chinaman has some stuff stashed, and we try every way to make him tell us where it is. We have him tied to a chair. I light matches" - he made a gesture of lighting a match
from JUNKY, pp.25-26.
・IMPACT PLAYERS > ? > William S. Burroughs/Junky(as of 2018/04/13)
第百三通りにはちゃきちゃきのモダンなジャンキーはさっぱり姿を見せなかった。第百三通りの連中はみんな古参で – やせた血色の悪い顔と苦しげにゆがんだ口とこわばった手指で示す様式化したジェスチャーを持っていた。(手首をぐにゃぐにゃさせるのが男性ホモの特徴になっているように、麻薬社会にはジャンキー特有のジェスチャーがある。それは指をこわばらせ手のひらを上にして腕の肘から先をぶらぶらさせるのだ。)連中のなかにはさまざまな国籍と肉体的特徴の人間がいたが、どういうものか、みな同じようにジャンクに見えた。その中にはアイルランド人、「ギリシャ人」ジョージ、パントポン・ローズ、「ベルボーイ」のルイ、「おかま」のエリック、「スパイ」、「船乗り」、「メキシコ人」ジョーがいた。そのなかにはもう死んでしまった者もいるし、ほかのやつは服役中だ。
「このシナ人が麻薬(やく)をしまいこんでいることはわかっていたから、おれたちはあらゆる方法を使って隠し場所を吐かせようとした。おれたちはやつを椅子に縛りつけた。おれはマッチをつけて」 -- ジョーはマッチをするしぐさをした --
from 『ジャンキー』, pp.75-77.
この「Hipster Be-bop Junky」というphraseは、Burroughs創作の言葉の中でも最もカッコイイ。
William S. Burroughs/JUNKY : READ BY THE AUTHOR. [Penguin Audiobooks] rec.1996, Casette-release 1997, CD-release 2000

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