Tom Waits/THE BLACK RIDER [Island] release 1993

Cover Concept & Art : Robert Wilson, Design : Christie Roxford
ca.1993, Cotati (California) & Hamburg (Germany), Tom Waits (prod)
Tom Waits (vo, coliope, p, org, chamberlain, emax, marimba, g, banjo, train whistle, cga, log-drum, words, comp, arr), Nick Phelps (frh), Christoph Moinian (frh), Kevin Porter (tb), Ralph Carney (sax, bcl, baritone horn), Volker Hemken (cl), Larry Rhodes (bassoon, contra bassoon), Henning Stoll (bassoon, contra bassoon, viola), Francis Thumm (org), Hans-Jörn Braudenberg (org), Joe Gore (banjo, g), Linda Deluca (viola), Gerd Bessler (viola), Matt Brubeck (cello), Greg Cohen (b, viola, banjo, emax, accordion, bcl, perc, arr), Bill Douglas (b), Stefan Schäfer (b), Don Neely (saw), Kenny Wollesen (perc, marimba), 6 persons (boots), Wiiliam Burroughs (vo, words), Devil's Rhubato Band (arr), Walter Donaldoson (words), Edgar Leslie (words) (collectively)
01. Lucky Day (Overture)
02. The Black Rider
03. November
04. Just the Right Bullets
05. Black Box Theme
06. 'T'Ain't No Sin (feat. William Burroughs)
07. Flash Pan Hunter (Intro)
08. That's the Way (lyrics by William Burroughs)
09. The Briar And the Rose
10. Russian Dance
11. Gospel Train (Orch)
12. I'll Shoot the Moon
13. Flash Pan Hunter (lyrics by William Burroughs)
14. Crossroads (lyrics by William Burroughs)
15. Gospel Train
16. Interlude
17. Only Night
18. Lucky Day
Tom Waitsは、作詞・作曲のほとんどを担当し、編曲も半分ほど手がけている。まさに彼が精魂を込めたprojectだ。
Jazz fanとしては、Greg Cohenが、musical director/b他の演奏で全面的に協力しているのが目立つ。Kenny WollesenもJohn Zornがらみでよく目にする名前だ。
Ralph Carneyは
彼は、長年Tom Waitsと共演し、信頼されていたsaxophonistだった。このalbumでも大活躍している。Multi-instrumentalistだが、特に重低音木管楽器が得意。
そこにTom Waitsのダミ声が乗り、猥雑な空気をうまく作り出している。
William Burroughs (vo), Tom Waits (marimba, emax), Greg Cohen (bcl, emax)
06. 'T'Ain't No Sin (feat. William Burroughs)
emaxは1980年代後半に出てきたsampling machine。
これ、作詞はBurroughsではなく、Walter DonaldosonとEdgar Leslie。Burroughsが他人の詞を朗読することはあまりないので、結構レア物になる。
When you hear sweet syncopation
And the music softly moans
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
When it gets too hot for comfort
And you can't get an ice cream cone
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Just like those bamboo babies
Down in the South Sea tropic zone
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
When you hear sweet syncopation
And the music softly moans
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
When it gets too hot for comfort
And you can't get an ice cream cone
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Just like those bamboo babies
Down in the South Sea tropic zone
T' 'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
from Walter Donaldoson+Edgar Leslie (1990) 'T'Ain't No Sin. IN : Booklet of Tom Waits/THE BLACK RIDER. Island Records, NYC.
Bclとmarimbaのとぼけたtrackに乗って、Burroughsは鼻歌のように2 chorusを繰り返す。
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