Tom Waits/THE BLACK RIDER [Island] release 1993

Cover Concept & Art : Robert Wilson, Design : Christie Roxford
Tom Waits (vo), Volker Hemken (cl), Hans-Jörn Braudenberg (org), Henning Stoll (viola), Stefan Schäfer (b)
08. That's the Way (lyrics by William Burroughs)
楽器は色々クレジットがあるのだが、ほとんどTom Waitsとorganしか聞こえない。
That's the way the stomach rumbles
That's the way the bee bumbles
That's the way the needle pricks
That's the way the glue sticks
That's the way the potato mashes
That's the way the pan flashes
That's the way the market crashes
That's the way the whip lashes
That's the way the teeth knashes
That's the way the gravy stains
That's the way the moon wanes
from William Burroughs (1990) That's the Way. IN : Booklet of Tom Waits/THE BLACK RIDER. Island Records, NYC.
Tom Waits (vo), Ralph Carney (bcl), Larry Rhodes (bassoon), Francis Thumm (org), Joe Gore (banjo), Matt Brubeck (cello), Bill Douglas (b), Don Neely (saw), Kenny Wollesen (perc)
13. Flash Pan Hunter (lyrics by William Burroughs)
Ralph Carneyのbclがリードする。Don Neelyのノコギリも効果的。いかにもmusicalらしい曲だ。
The flash pan hunter sways with the wind
And his rifle is the sound of the morning
Each sulfurous bullet must have its own wit
And each cartridge comes with a warning
Beware of elaborate telescopic meats
It will find their way back to the forest
For Wilhelm can't wait
To be Peg Leg's crown
As the briar is strangling
The rose back down
His back shall be my slender new branch
It will bend it will sway in the breeze
As the Devil does his Polka
With a hatchet in his hand
As a sniper in the branches of the trees
And the vulture flutters down
And the snake sheds his dove
Wilhelm's cutting off his fingers
So they'll fit into his glove
For Wilhelm can't wait
To be Peg Leg's crown
As the briar is strangling
The rose back down
As the briar is strangling
The rose back down
modified after William Burroughs (1990) Flash Pan Hunter. IN : Booklet of Tom Waits/THE BLACK RIDER. Island Records, NYC.
Tom Waitsの歌(というよりシャウト)は、歌詞カードとは少し違っているので、音の方に合わせた。もしかすると、Tomがアドリブで歌詞を変えているのかもしれない。
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