SONGS IN THE KEY OF X [WarnerBros.] release 1996

Illustration : Sue Coe, Design : Katherine Delaney
unknown date, various places, David Was (prod)
01. Mark Snow/X-Files Theme (Main Title)
02. Soul Coughing/Unmarked Helicopter
03. Sheryl Crow/On the Outside
04. Foo Fighters/Down in the Park
05. William S. Burroughs & R.E.M./Star Me Kitten
06. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds/Red Night Hand
07. Filter/Thanks Bro
08. Frank Black/Man of Steel
09. Meat Puppets/Unexplained
10. Danzig/Deep
11. Screamin' Jay Hawkins/Frenzy
12. Elvis Costero with Brian Eno/My Dear Life
13. Rob Zombie & Alice Cooper/Hands of Death (Burn Baby Burn)
14. P.M.Dawn/If You Never Say Goodbye
15. X Files Theme (P.M.Dawn Remix)
これはFox TVの人気TVドラマThe X-Files(1993~2002放映)にinspirationを受けて制作されたcompilation album。
ProducerはWas (Not Was)の片割れDavid Was。
前半は知らないmusiciansが多いが、Screamin' Jay Hawkinsが出てくるあたりから風向きが変わり、Elvis Costero、Brian Eno、Alice Cooperだのと豪華な顔ぶれになる。「なんで、あんたらこんな所に?」という人たちばかりだが(笑)。
私はThe X-Filesを見たことがないので、本albumの内容がどの程度ドラマに則したものか知らない。が、どうも大半は新作らしい。みんなThe X-Filesのファンだったのかもしれないな。
Burroughs参加曲はThe X-Filesとは関係なさそうなので、なんでこんなとこに入ってるのか?そして、なぜBurroughsなのか全くわからない。
R.E.M.はWarner Bros.と契約しており、無理やり参加させられたのかな?「新作は面倒だし、旧作の再録でいいんじゃね?いい機会だからBurroughsと共演したい、そうだそれで行こう!Warner Bros.ならそれくらいの金出してくれるだろう」てなところじゃないかと思う。
R.E.M./AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE [Warner Bros.] release 1992

Art Direction & Design : Tom Recchion & Michael Stipe
ca.1996, unknown place
William S. Burroughs (vo), R.E.M. (music)
05. William S. Burroughs & R.E.M./Star Me Kitten
Alright, just something I picked up. A knack of going along with someone else's song. Puttin' myself into it, it belongs to Lili Marleen. Marlene Dietrich, not one of my favorite people, but that's where it came from
Keys cut, three for the price of one
Nothing's free, but guaranteed for a lifetime's use
I've changed the locks, and you can't have one
You, you know the other two
The brakes have worn so thin that you could hear
I hear them screeching through the door from our driveway
Hey, love, look into your glove-box heart
What is there for me inside, this love is tired
I've changed the locks, have I misplaced you?
Have we lost our minds?
Will this never end?
It could depend on your take
You, me, we used to be on fire
If keys are all that stand between
Can I throw in the ring?
No gasoline, just fuck me, kitten
You are wild
And I'm in your possession
Nothing's free, so fuck me, kitten
Just fuck me, kitten
You are wild
I'm in your possession
Nothing's free, so fuck me, kitten
・GENIUS > VERIFIED ARTISTS > W > William S Burroughs > Featured > Show all songs by William S. Burroughs > Star Me Kitten (Featuring W.S. Burroughs) R.E.M.(as of 2018/04/25)
それにしては声はまだしっかりしてる。だいたいBurroughsはThe X-Filesを見ていたんだろうか?情報は何もないが、James Grauerholzの差し金に従っただけなのかも・・・。
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