William S. Burroughs/SPARE ASS ANNIE AND OTHER TALES [Island/Red Label] release.1993

Art Direction & Design : David Calderly
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Charlie Hunter (g, b)
08. Warning to Young Couples (Huntsmen's Hounds)
Charlie HunterのとぼけたCountry & Western風のguitarが効果的(笑)。Rhythmも07に続いてコミカルな調子。
I will see this opportunity to excoriate the vile English practice of riding to hounds. So the sodden huntsman can watch a beautiful delicate fox torn to pieces by their stinking dogs. Heartened by this loutish spectacle, they repair to the manor house to get drunker than they already are. No better than their filthy, fawning, shit-eating, carrion-rolling, baby-killing beasts.
Warning to all couples of young and old who are expecting a blessed event : Get rid of that family dog!
“What! Our Fluffy harm a child? Why, that’s ridiculous”
Long may your child live to think so, little mother.
"I'm sorry that's an actual case I heard. They are dandling their child and drooling baby-talk when Fluffy, in a jealous rage, rushes on the infant, bites through its skull and kills it.” Fluffy has the motivation hanging up anyone to see.
(< -- omitted -- >)
Dogs are the only animals other than Man with a sense of right and wrong. So Fluffy knows what to expect when he is dragged whimpering from under the bed where he cowers. He knows the extent of his trespass. Another animal, a pet cougar (someone has a pet, a cougar) is very well making the connection. Dogs are the only self-righteous animal.”
That's what makes dogs are so ugly.
modified after William S. Burroughs (1992) THE CAT INSIDE. Viking, NYC.
・the allen ginsberg project > Archive > February 2015 > 3 > William Burroughs’ 101 (July 1985 reading at Naropa) (Feburary 5, 2015)
「なんだって! うちのワンちゃんが子供に害を与えるって? そんな馬鹿な!」
(< -- 省略 -- >)
modified after ウィリアム・バロウズ・著, 山形浩生・訳 (1994.10) 『内なるネコ』, pp.62-63. 河出書房新社, 東京.

装幀 : 村上光延
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