Material with William S. Burroughs/THE ROAD TO THE WESTERN LANDS [Mercury/Triloka] release 1998

Art : Russell Mills, Design : Lisa King
ca.1989, ca.1997-98, NYC+London, Janet Rienstra+Luma Productions (supervision)
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Nicky Skopelitis (g), Bill Laswell (b, kb, turntable, arr, prod), Jah Wobble (b), Testu Inoue (electronics), DJ Spooky (noise), Talvin Singh (remix), DJ Carlos Soul Slinger (remix, prod), Spring Heel Jack (John Coxon+Ashley Wales) (music), The Audio Janitor (DJ Olive) (remix, engineering), Alicia Renee (aka Blue Eyes) (vo), Robert Musso (engineering, processing), Tristin Norwell (engineering), Chris Flam (engineering) (collectively)
01. Bill Laswell/The Seven Souls
02. Talvin Singh/The Western Lands
03. DJ Soul Slinger/The Western Lands
04. Spring Heel Jack/The Road to the Western Lands
05. The Audio Janitor (DJ Olive)/Joan's Haunted Hints at the Gate to the Western Lands
06. Bill Laswell/Seven Souls (The Secret Name)
07. Material/The Western Lands (A Dangerous Road Mix)
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Nicky Skopelitis (g), Bill Laswell (b, kb, turntable, arr, prod), Alicia Renee (aka Blue Eyes) (vo), Robert Musso (engineering, processing)
01. Bill Laswell/The Seven Souls
女性singerであるAlicia Renee (Smith)をfeatureした曲。「Ah, Seven Souls」という、日本の歌謡曲的な歌声が延々続き、これにBurroughsの朗読が挟まる。
違和感だらけ(笑)。THE WESTERN LANDSの世界観とは食い合せ悪いし。
2017年12月10日日曜日 BURROUGHS WITH MUSIC (04) Material/SEVEN SOULS-その3
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Talvin Singh (remix), Tristin Norwell (engineering)
02. Talvin Singh/The Western Lands
続いては、Bill Laswellのインドものでは常連の、UK Indian DJである Talvin Singh(1970-)によるremix。
2017年12月17日日曜日 BURROUGHS WITH MUSIC (06) Material/SEVEN SOULS-その5
You reckon ill who leave me out.
When me you fly I am the wings.
2017年12月30日土曜日 BURROUGHS WITH MUSIC (11) Material/SEVEN SOULS (1997 version)-その1
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), DJ Carlos Soul Slinger (remix, prod), Chris Flam (engineering)
03. DJ Soul Slinger/The Western Lands
Brazil出身のDJ Soul Slingerによるremix。Burroughsの朗読のスピードを変えたり、loopをかけたり、思う存分素材(ネタ)をいじくって遊んでいる。
後半はBurroughsの朗読は出てこない。完全にDJ Soul Slingerの作品。後半のtb-solo(なのかなあ?)は本人なのか?
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