William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
Hal Willner+Nelson Lyon (prod)
ca.1960, NYC
NBC Symphony Orch, Frank Denning (comp), Buryl Red (comp), Eugene Cine (comp), Frank Danning (comp), Bill Grant (comp), Ray Ellis (comp), Friedrich Hollander (words, comp) (collectively)
1988/12/12-14 &1989/06/24, Lawrence (Kansas)
William S. Burroughs (vo, words)
1989-90, NYC
Allen Ginsberg (vo), Cheryl Hardwick (org, p), John Cale (music, comp), Donald Fagen (music, effects), Sonic Youth (music, comp), Chris Stein (music, comp), Lenny Pickett (cl, woodwinds, comp, arr) & His Group (frh+woodwinds+cello+perc+4vo) (collectively)
01. William's Welcome ("What Are You Here for ?")
02. A Thanksgiving Prayer
03. Naked Lunch Excerpts ("You Got Any Eggs for Fats ?")/Dinner Conversation
04. Ah Pook the Destroyer/Brion Gysin's All-Purpose Bedtime Story
05. After-dinner Conversation ("An Atrocious Conceit")/Where He Was Going
06. Kill the Badger !
07. A New Standard by Which to Measure Infancy
08. The Sermon on the Mount 1 ("WSB Reads the Good Book")
09. No More Stalins, No More Hitlers
10. The Sermon on the Mount 2
11. Scandal at the Jungle Hiltons
12. The Sermon on the Mount 3
13. Love Your Enemies
14. Dr. Benway's House
15. Apocalypse
16. The Lord's Prayer
17. Ich Bin von Kopf bis Fuss auf Liebe Eingestelt ("Falling in Love Again")
John Cale、Donald Fagen、Sonic Youth、Allen Ginsbergといった豪華メンバーがBurroughsにオマージュを捧げつつ、制作に協力した強力な作品。
NBC Symphony Orchの古い録音が多用されているのも特徴。これは、Hal WillnerがNBCで仕事をしている頃から、いつか使いたいと思っていた素材だ。
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Lenny Pickett (comp, arr) & His Group (music)
01. William's Welcome ("What Are You Here for ?")
What are we here for ?
We're all here.
We're all here to go.
The earth is going to be a space station.
We are here to go into space.
That's what we're here for.
Do I hear any questions about that?
We're all here to go.
We're here to go into space.
What are you? you and you and you !
Why did you come here ?
What did you expect from me ?
What do you expect ?
Come on, tell me. I'm here.
「Here to go」は、Brion GysinとBurroughsによるcut-upの合言葉のようなもので、「遅れた芸術から、cut-upで飛翔しようぜ」ということらしい。
ここではDEAD CITY RADIOのBurroughs朗読世界への飛翔を促している。
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