William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Allen Ginsberg (vo), Hal Willner (effect)
11. Scandal at the Jungle Hiltons
効果音入りのドラマ仕立てでTHE WESTERN LANDSの一節を朗読。Allen Ginsbergも登場。
ここで引用する『THE WESTERN LANDS/ウエスタン・ランド』の版は以下の通り。
・William S. Burroughs (2010.1) THE WESTERN LANDS (Penguin Modern Classics). 272pp. Penguin Books, London.
← 初出 : (1987) Viking, NYC.
・ウイリアム・S・バロウズ・著, 飯田隆昭・訳 (1991.3) 『ウエスタン・ランド』. 333pp. 思潮社, 東京.
He can see it already. The jungle Hiltons . . . "When Orchids Bloom in the Moonlight" on the Muzak ... the bar, with orchids and a tank against one wall full of piranha fish. The management throws in live goldfish and pieces of raw meat.
It's quite an attraction.
The motels and souvenir shops and hamburger joints, drunken Indians, polluted rivers, the gritty bite of diesel fumes. In front of the Manaos Opera House, tourists pose with a boa constrictor.
Terrible scandal: a big pop star, in a jealous rage fueled by cocaine, grabbed his girlfriend's Yorkshire terrier and threw it into the piranha tank. As the piranhas attacked the floundering dog, the hysterical starlet threw a heavy bronze ashtray which shattered the tank, spilling snapping fish and bloody water across the patrons as the disemboweled, screaming dog dragged its intestines across the floor. Quite a scene it was, and of course there were plenty of cameras to freeze-dry this edifying spectacle for posterity and export. It's the little touches that make a future solid enough to be destroyed.
from THE WESTERN LANDS, p.37-38
from 『ウエスタン・ランド』, pp.57-58
THE NAKED LUNCHの頃からお得意の、ホテルとかレストランでのドタバタ。わけがわからんが、禍々しいシーンが目の前に浮かんでくる。いい朗読である。
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