William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
Sonic Youth (music, comp)
14. Dr. Benway's House
この曲はBurroughsが登場しない。Sonic Youthによる短いnoise musicである。
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), NBC Symphony Orch, Eugene Cine (comp), Frank Drnning (comp), Bill Grant (comp), Ray Ellis (comp)
15. Apocalypse
・Keith Haring (painting)+William S. Burroughs (text), 山形浩生・訳 (2008.4) Apocalypse. 梁瀬薫・総監修 『キース・ヘリング/ぼくが信じるアート。ぼくが生きたライフ。』所収. pp.45-69. 中村キース・ヘリング美術館, 小淵沢(山梨).
← 和訳初出 : シードホール(林牧人+門間貴志)・編 (1990) 『ウィリアム・S・バロウズ展 ショットガン・ペインティング』所収. pp.72-77. セゾン美術館, 東京.

表紙デザイン : 柴田淳
Mariners sailing close to the shores of Tuscany heard a voice cry out from the hills, the trees and the sky: “The Great God Pan is dead!” Pan, God of Panic: the sudden awareness that everything is alive and significant. The date was December 25, 1 A.D. But Pan lives on in the realm of the imagination, in writing and painting and music. Look at Van Gogh’s sunflowers, writhing with portentous life; listen to the Pipes of Pan in Joujouka. Now Pan is neutralized, framed in museums, entombed in books, relegated to folklore. But art is spilling out of its frames into subway graffiti. Will it stop there? Consider an apocalyptic statement: ‘Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.’ – Hassan i Sabbah, an old man of the mountain. Not to be interpreted as an invitation to all manner of restrained and destructive behavior; that would be a minor episode, which would run its course. Everything is permitted because nothing is true. It is all make-believe, illusion, dream… ART. When art leaves the frame and the written word leaves the page – not merely the physical frame and page, but the frames and pages of assigned categories – a basic disruption of reality itself occurs: the literal realization of art. < -- omitted -- > Success will write APOCALYPSE across the sky. The artist aims for a miracle. The painter wills his picture to move off the canvas with a separate life, movement outside of the picture, and one rent in the fabric is all it takes for pandemonium to sluice through.
トスカーナ地方の沿岸を帆走中の水夫たちは、丘から木から空からの叫びを聞いた。「偉大な牧神(パン)が死んだ!」パニックの神、牧神(パン):何もかもが生きていてすばらしいという突然の認識。その日は紀元1年12月25日。だが、牧神(パン)は生き続けている。想像力の領域に、文章や絵画や音楽の中に。ゴッホのひまわりを見よ。まがまがしい生気に悶えている。ジョジョウカのパン・フルートを聞け。牧神(パン)はいまでは薄められ、枠に入れられて美術館送りになり、本の中に葬られ、伝承に追いやられている。でも、アートは枠からあふれ出て地下鉄の落描きとなっている。それでおしまいだろうか? 黙示録めいたせりふを思い出そう:「何も真実ではない。すべてが許されている」-山の老人ハッサン・イ・サッバー。これを、ありとあらゆる無軌道で破壊的な行動への誘いだと解釈してはならない。 そんなのはつまらない神話でしかないし、いずれは落ち目になる。すべてが許されているのは、真実が何もないからだ。すべては演技、幻想、夢・・・アートなのだ。アートが枠を離れ、書きことばがページを離れるとき - それも物理的な枠やページではなく、決められたカテゴリーの枠やページだ - 現実そのものの根本的な崩壊が起きる。アートの文字どおりの実現。< -- 省略 -- > その成功が、空に大きく黙示録を書くだろう。アーティストは奇跡を狙う。画家は、自分の絵がキャンパスから抜け出して、別個の生命を持ち、絵の外での動きを持つよう意図している。そして生地のほころび一つで、伏魔殿はたちまちなだれこんでくる。
Last act, the End, this is where we all came in. The final Apocalypse is when every man sees what he sees, feels what he feels, and hears what he hears. The creatures of all your dreams and nightmares are right here, right now, solid as they ever were or ever will be, electric vitality of careening subways faster faster faster stations flash by in a blur.
Pan God of Panic, whips screaming crowds, as millions of faces look up at the torn sky:
脱線! 脱線!
The planet is pulling loose from its moorings, careening into space, spilling cities and mountains and seas into the Void, spinning faster and faster as days and nights flash by like subway stations. Iron penis chimneys ejaculate blue sparks in a reek of ozone, tunnels crunch down teeth of concrete and steel, flattening cars like beer cans. Graffiti eats through glass and steel like acid, races across the sky in tornados of flaming colors.
Cherry-pickers with satin brushes big as a door inch through Wall Street, leaving a vast souvenir postcard of the Grand Canyon. Water trucks slosh out paint, outlaw painters armed with paint pistols paint everything and everyone in reach. Survival Artists, paint cans strapped to their backs, grenades at their belts, paint anything and anybody within range. Skywriters, dogfight, collide and explode in paint. Telephone poles dance electric jigs in swirling crackling wires. Neon explosions and tornados flash through ruined cities, volcanoes spew molten colors as the earth’s crust buckles and splinters into jigsaw pieces.
The household appliances revolt: washing machines snatch clothes from the guests, bellowing Hoovers suck off makeup and wigs and false teeth, electric toothbrushes leap into screaming mouths, clothes dryers turn gardens into dust bowls, garden tools whiz through lawn parties, impaling the guests, who are hacked to fertilizer by industrious Japanese hatchets. Loathsome, misshapen, bulbous plants spring from their bones, covering golf courses, swimming pools, country clubs and tasteful dwellings.
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At my back – faster and faster – I always hear ‘Hurry up – energy ground down into – please it’s time closing’ – sidewalks and street by billions of feet and tires erupt from manholes and tunnels break out with volcanic force let it come down careening subways faster and faster stations blur by, Pan whips screaming crowds with flaming pipes millions of faces look up at the torn sky OFF THE TRACK – OFF THE TRACK the planet is pulling loose from its moorings, careening off into space spilling cities and mountains and seas into the Void faster and faster.
< -- two paragraphs omitted -- >
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Skyscrapers scrape rents of blue and white paint from the sky, the rivers swirl with color, nitrous ochres and reds eat through the bridges, falling into the rivers, splashing colors across warehouses and piers and roads and buildings, AMOK art floods inorganic molds, stirring passions and metal and glass, steel girders writhing in mineral lusts burst form their concrete covers, wall of glass melt and burn with madness in a billion crazed eyes, bridges buck cars and trucks into the rivers, the sidewalks run ahead faster and faster, energy ground down into sidewalks and streets by billions of feet and tires erupts from manholes and tunnels, breaks out with volcanic force:
Caught in New York beneath the animals of the village, the Piper pulled down the sky.
これは1988年、Keith Haring(1957-2000)の絵との共作。Burroughsの文章は、詩とも小説ともつかないもの。
Burroughsなりの黙示録=現代世界の終末風景を描いているが、その中に、Haringに敬意を表したようなstreet grafittiなどが混入しているのがおもしろい。
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