William S. Burroughs/DEAD CITY RADIO [Island] release.1990

Design : Kevin A. McDonagh
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), John cale (p, comp)
13. Love Your Enemies
John Caleのpiano(electric grand pianoっぽい)に乗せて朗読。
Love your enemies.
It isn’t easy to love an enemy. This goes against your most basic survival instinct, but it can be done and turned to an advantage.
Let the love squirt out of you like a fire hose of molasses. Give him the kiss of life. Stick your tongue down his throat and taste what he has been eating and bless his digestion. Ooze down into his intestines and help him along with his food.
Let him know you revere his rectum as part of an ineffable hose. Make him understand that you stand and lick it off his genitals as part of the Master Plan.
Life in all it’s rich variety, do not falter. Let your love enter into him and penetrate him with a divine lubricant. Makes KY and Lanolin feel like sandpaper. It’s the most muscologinous, the slimiest, ooziest lubricant that ever was or shall be.
from William S. Burroughs (1990) GHOST OF CHANCE. The Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC.
・How Do You See The World? : Lie about everything else > Love Your Enemies – William S. Burroughs(Posted on April 12, 2005)
CDのクレジットに従えば「GHOST OF CHANCE」からの文章のはずだが、手元の
・William S. Burroughs (1995) GHOST OF CHANCE (High Risk Books). Serpent's Tail, London/NYC.
・ウィリアム・バロウズ・著, 山形浩生・訳 (1996.6) 『ゴースト』. 河出書房新社, 東京.
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