William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan
ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、
・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC.
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社,
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.
Wayne Horvitz (kb), Bill Frisell (g), Eyvind Kang (vln) (推定)
06. The Afterbirth King
これは、Burroughsが登場しないInterludeのような短いインスト曲。Eyvind Kangのvlnが05から続く強烈な毒気を消毒する役割を果たしている。1995年の音源。
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), King Khan (g, vln, b, syn) (推定)
07. Lief the Unlucky
この曲は、King Khanが一人で多重録音したもののよう。おそらく2016年音源。
Leif The Unlucky was a tall, thin Norwegian, with a patch over one eye, his face congealed in a permanent, ingratiating smirk. Behind him lay an epic saga of unsuccessful enterprises. He had failed at raising frogs, chinchilla, Siamese fighting fish, rami and culture pearls. He had attempted, variously and without success, to promote a Love Bird Two-in-a-coffin Cemetery, to corner the condom market during the rubber shortage, to run a mail order whore house, to issue penicillin as a patent medicine. He had followed disastrous betting systems in the casinos of Europe and the race tracks of the U.S.
His reverses in business were matched by the incredible mischances of his personal life. His front teeth had been stomped out by bestial American sailors in Brooklyn. Vultures had eaten out an eye when he drank a pint of paregoric and passed out in a Panama City park. He had been trapped between floors in an elevator for five days with an oil-burning junk habit and sustained an attack of D.T.s while stowing away in a foot locker. Then there was the time he collapsed with strangulated intestines, perforated ulcers and peritonitis in Cairo and the hospital was so crowded they bedded him in the latrine, and the Greek surgeon goofed and sewed up a live monkey in him, and he was gangfucked by the Arab attendants, and one of the orderlies stole the penicillin substituting Saniflush; and the time he got clap in his ass and a self-righteous English doctor cured him with an enema of hot, sulphuric acid,
from NAKED LUNCH, pp.151-152
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.248-249
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