William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan
ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、
・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC.
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社,
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Bill Frisell (g), King Khan (g, vln, org), Eyvind Kang (vln), Jenny Sheinman (vln), Hank Roberts (cello), Tony Sherr (b), Kenny Wollesen (ds), Hal Willner (samples) (推定)
05. Disciplinary Procedures
弦楽器陣による不穏なfree improvisationに始まり、中間はstring ensembleにKing Khanのguitarが加わる。
そして、またもやC&W調のアップテンポになる。ここのguitarはBill Frisellっぽい。ところどころに挟まるsaxはHal Willnerによるsamplingだろう。実際の演奏が誰かはわからない。
To this end I devised several forms of disciplinary procedure. One was known as The Switchboard. Electric drills that can be turned on at any time are clamped against the subject’s teeth; and he is instructed to operate an arbitrary switchboard, to put certain connections in certain sockets in response to bells and lights. Every time he makes a mistake the drills are turned on for twenty seconds. The signals are gradually speeded up beyond his reaction time. Half an hour on the switchboard and the subject breaks down like an overloaded thinking machine.
“The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods.
from NAKED LUNCH, pp.21-22
from 『裸のランチ』, p.50
"Many subjects are vulnerable to sexual humiliation. Nakedness, stimulation with aphrodisiacs, constant supervision to embarrass subject and prevent relief of masturbation (erections during sleep automatically turn on an enormous vibrating electric buzzer that throws the subject out of bed into cold water, thus reducing the incidence of wet dreams to a minimum). Kicks to hypnotize a priest and tell him he is about to consummate a hypostatic union with the Lamb-then steer a randy old sheep up his ass. After that the interrogator can gain complete hypnotic control-the subject will come at his whistle, shit on the floor if he but say Open Sesame.
"Needless to say, the sex humiliation angle is contraindicated for overt homosexuals. (I mean let’s keep our eye on the ball here and remember the old party line … never know who’s listening in.) I recall this one kid, I condition to shit at sight of me. Then I wash his ass and screw him. It was real tasty. And he was a lovely fellah too. And some times a subject will burst into boyish tears because he can’t keep from ejaculate when you screw him.
"Well, as you can plainly see, the possibilities are endless like meandering paths in a great big beautiful garden.
The subject will come at his whistle, shit on the floor if he but say Open Sesame.
from NAKED LUNCH, pp.24-25
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.53-54
We must never forget our glorious simian heritage. Doc Browbeck was party inna second part. A retired abortionist and junk pusher (he was a veterinarian actually) recalled to service during the manpower shortage. Well, Doc had been in the hospital kitchen all morning goosing the nurses and tanking up on coal gas and Klim -- and just before the operation he sneaked a double shot of nutmeg to nerve himself up."
from NAKED LUNCH, p.26
from 『裸のランチ』, p.56
"I had a yagé hangover, me, and in no condition to take any of Browbeck's shit. First thing he comes on with I should start the incision from the back instead of the front, muttering some garbled nonsense about being sure to cut out the gall bladder it would fuck up the meat. Thought he was on the farm cleaning a chicken. I told him to go put his head back in the oven, whereupon he had the effrontery to push my hand severing the patient's femoral artery. Blood spurted up and blinded the anesthetist, who ran out through the halls screaming. Browbeck tried to knee me in the groin, and I managed to hamstring him with my scalpel. He crawled about the floor stabbing at my feet and legs. Violet, that's my baboon assistant -- only woman I ever cared a damn about -- really wigged. I climbed up on the table and poise myself to jump on Browbeck with both feet and stomp him when the cops rushed in.
"Well, this rumble in the operating room, 'this unspeakable occurrence' as the Super called it, you might say was the blow off. The wolf pack was closing for the kill. A crucifixion, that's the only word for it. Of course I'd made a few 'dummheits' here and there. Who hasn't? There was the time me and the anesthetist drank up all the ether and the patient came up on us, and I was accused of cutting the cocaine with Saniflush. Violet did it actually. Had to protect her of course....
"So the wind-up is we are all drummed out of the industry. Not that Violet was a bona fide croaker, neither was Browbeck for that matter, and even my own certificate was called in question. But Violet knew more medicine than the Mayo Clinic. She had an extraordinary intuition and a high sense of duty.
"So there I was flat on my ass with no certificate. Should I turn to another trade? No. Doctoring was in my blood. I managed to keep up my habits performing cut-rate abortions in subway toilets. I even descended to hustling pregnant women in the releaselic streets. It was positively unethical. Then I met a great guy, Placenta Juan the After Birth Tycoon.
from NAKED LUNCH, pp.26-27
こうして私は、医師免許もなく放り出された。商売替えをすべきだろうか? とんでもない。医者稼業は親ゆずりの好きな道だ。私は地下鉄のトイレットで割引料金の堕胎手術をやって何とか自分の週間を維持した。そして、街頭で妊婦をくどいたりするところまで身を落とした。まったく不道徳だった。それから大物に出会った---後産(あとざん)業界の巨頭プラセンタ・フワンだ。
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.56-58
Kwakiutl Cannibal Society initiates bite off noses and ears....
A coprophage calls for a plate, shits on it and eats the shit, exclaiming, "Mmmm, that's my rich substance."
from NAKED LUNCH, p.33
from 『裸のランチ』, p.66
Gentle reader, the ugliness of that spectacle buggers description. Who can be a cringing pissing coward, yet vicious as a purple-assed mandril, alternating these deplorable conditions like vaudeville skits? Who can shit on a fallen adversary who, dying, eats the shit and screams with joy? Who can hang a weak passive and catch his sperm in mouth like a vicious dog? Gentle reader, I fain would spare you this, but my pen hath its will like the Ancient Mariner. Oh Christ what a scene is this! Can tongue or pen accommodate these scandals? A beastly young hooligan has gouged out the eye of his confrere and fuck him in the brain. "This brain atrophy already, and dry as grandmother's cunt."
from NAKED LUNCH, p.34
心優しき読者諸君、この見せ場の醜悪さときたら、筆舌に尽くし難いほどだ。すくみあがって小便をもらす臆病者でありながら、同時に尻が紫のマンドリルのように悪意に満ち、この二種類の惨めな状態を立ちあい漫才のように切り替えられるなんて! 倒れた敵の上に糞をたれ、その敵は、死にかけているくせにその糞を食べて喜びで叫ぶなんて! 弱い受け身の相手を絞首刑にして、その精液をいまわしい犬みたいに口で受けるなんて! 心優しき読者諸君、本来なら喜んでこうした光景を眼に触れないよう気づかう私であるが、わがペンは、かの老水夫のごとき意思を持ちあわせているのだ。おお神よ、なんという光景だろう! こんな醜聞は筆舌をもって描きつくせるものではない。獣のような若いならず者が対戦相手の目玉をくりぬき、その脳を犯している。「この脳はもう萎縮しちゃってるよ、おばあちゃんのまんこみたいにカラカラだ」
from 『裸のランチ』, p.68
お馴染みキチ◯イ医師Benwayの独白である。Dr. BenwayによるFreeland支配の方法論から、Dr. Benwayの過去、Burroughsお得意の手術ドタバタ、そして変態嗜好のおぞましい描写が続く。
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