Art Direction & Design : David Calderly
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Hal Willner (music), The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy (music), Ralph Carney (as), Peter Scaturro (org), Charlie Hunter (g)
14. Words of Advice for Young People
で紹介したMaterial/HALLUCINATION ENGINE [Island/Axiom] release 1994 収録のWords of Adviceの別versionだ。
HALLUCINATION ENGINEでは、Bernie WorrellやSly Dunbarのback trackでsoulfulな演奏だったが、ここではorgan、guitarを入れたup-tempoでfunkyなrhythm。
People often ask me if I have any words of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Well, here are a few simple admonitions for young and old.
Never interfere in a boy and girl fight. Beware of whores who say they don't want money. The hell they don't. What they mean is that they want more money; much more. If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing; his word isn't worth shit, not with the good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Avoid Fuck Ups. < -- omitted -- > You all know the type. Anything they have anything to do with no matter how good it sounds, turns into a disaster < -- omitted -- >
Do not proffer sympathy to the mentally ill < -- omitted -- > Tell them firmly I am not paid to listen to this dribble! You are a terminal FU!
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Now some of you may encounter the devil’s bargain if you get that far. Any old soul is worth saving at least to a priest, but not every soul is worth buying. So you can take the offer as a compliment. They charge the easy ones first, you know, like money, all the money there is. But who wants to be the richest guy in some cemetery? Money won't buy. Not much left to spend it on, eh, Gramps? Getting too old to cut the mustard.
How's a young body grab you? Like three card monte, like pea under the shell, Now you see it, now you don't. Haven't you forgotten something, gramps? In order to feel something, You've got to be there. You have to be eighteen. You're not eighteen. You are seventy-eight. Old fool sold his soul for a strap-on.
Well I always try the easy ones first so how about an honorable bargain? You always wanted to be a doctor well now here's your chance. < -- omitted -- > Why you could become a great healer and benefit humanity what's wrong with that? Just about everything. There are no honorable bargains involving exchange of qualitative merchandise like souls for quantitative merchandise like time.
Piss off Satan and don't take me for dumber that I look for Christ's sake.
An old junk pusher told me "watch whose money you pick up".
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
Of advice for young people.
People often ask me if I have any words of advice for young people.
引用元 :
・Internet Archive > Full text of "William S.Burroughs – Art Now: A Day of Contemporary Art Prose Reading, July 1989, Naropa Institute." (as of 2017/11/04)
・Jason J. Jones Web Development/Bunker 306 Productions > Complete Listing of Bunker 306 Sites > William S. Burroughs > Words of Advice(as of 2017/11/04)
前にも紹介したように、この曲はBill Laswellによって、いろいろremixされて、12"singleとしても発売されている(analog only)。
ProduceはHal WillnerとThe Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisyの二人。これ、どういういきさつだったんだろうなあ。
William S. Burroughs/ADVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE [Island Red Label] release 1993
1993, Unknown place, Hal Willner+Michael Franti+Rono Tse (prod)
A1. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Interzone Radio Edit)
A2. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis Radio Edit)
A3. Pete Arden (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Round The World Mix)
B1. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Interzone Extended Mix)
B2. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis-Lemurs In The Mist-Interzone Mix)
B3. Bill Laswell (remix)/Words Of Advice For Young People (Mutatis Mutandis Mix)
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