Material/HALLUCINATION ENGINE [Island/Axiom] release 1994

Cover Artwork : James Koehnline
ca.1994, NYC & Madras (India), Bill Laswell / Material (prod)
Wayne Shorter (ss, ts), Jihad Racy (ney), Bernie Worrell (el-p, org), Jeff Bova (syn), Nicky Skopelitis (g, coral sitar, baglama, kb), Simon Shaheen (vln, oud), Shankar (el-vln), Bill Laswell (b, beats, loops, samples), Bootsy Collins (b), Jonas Hellborg (b), George Basil (qanoun), Sly Dunbar (ds), Zakir Hussain (tabla), Trilok Gurtu (tabla), Vikku Vinayakram (ghatam), Michael Baklouk (daff, tambourine), Aiyb Dieng (chatan, cga, perc), Liu Sola (vo), William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Fahim Dandan (vo) (collectively)
01. Black Light
02. Mantra
03. Ruins (Submutation Dub)
04. Eternal Drift
05. Words of Advice
06. Cucumber Slumber (Fluxus Mix)
07. The Hidden Garden / Naima
08. Shadows of Paradise
一般には、MEMORY SERVICEと並びMaterialの代表作としてあげられることが多い。
私は断然SEVEN SOULSの方が好きだが、まあ、あれはほぼBurroughsのアルバムになっているので、Burroughsに興味のない人にはとっつきにくいかもしれない。
こっちはWayne Shorter、Bernie Worrell、Bootsy Collinsといった名の売れたmusiciansが参加しているし、インスト・ミュージック・ファンにはこちらのほうがはるかに理解しやすい。
01. Black Lightは、LaswellがprojectにWayne Shorterをお迎えするにあたり、丁重にfeatureした曲。Shorter(ss)のsoloが最初から最後までずっと続く。Shorterも喜んで参加している様子が伝わってくる。聴き応えのある曲だ。
02. MantraはTabla Beat Scienceの原型ともいえる、Arab音楽+インド音楽fusion。Jihad Racyのney(double reedsの管楽器)とZakir Hussainをはじめとするpercussion陣が大活躍。
03. RuinsはIslamのお経から入り、Shankarのviolinをfeature。でもrhythmはraggae。ちょっと冗漫。こういうのもLaswell musicの特徴だ。
04. Eternal Driftは、器楽的なLiu Solaのvocalから入り、再びWayne Shorter (ts)をfeature。曲のテーマはない。Shorterはbase trackのリフに乗っかって、improvisationを展開しているだけ。
05. Words of AdviceがBurroughsをfeatureした曲。Laswell-Burroughs collaborationとしては、この曲がよく取り上げられるけど、SEVEN SOULSでのcollaborationの方はあまり知られていないんだな。
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Bernie Worrell (el-p), Nicky Skopelitis (g, coral sitar), Bill Laswell (b, samples etc), Sly Dunbar (ds) & others (推定)
05. Words of Advice
Bernie Worrellのfunkyなel-pに乗って、Burroughsが朗読する。この組み合わせ、たまんねえな。SEVEN SOULSの凝ったsettingよりはわかりやすい音楽なので、親しみやすいかもしれない。
途中、Ornette Colemanの曲The Blessingがsamplingで挿入されているが、演奏しているのは誰だかわからない。mute tpとssがいるのはわかる。
Well, here are a few simple admonitions for young and old.
Never interfere in a boy and girl fight. Beware of whores who say they don't want money. The hell they don't. What they mean is that they want more money; much more. If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing; his word isn't worth shit, not with the good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.
Of advice for young people.
If, after having been exposed to someone's presence, you feel as if you've lost a quart of plasma, avoid that presence. You need it like you need pernicious anemia. We don't like to hear the word "vampire" around here; we're trying to improve our releaselic image.
Building a kindly, avuncular, benevolent image; "interdependence" is the keyword -- "enlightened interdependence". Life in all its rich variety, take a little, leave a little. However, by the inexorable logistics of the vampiric process they always take more than they leave.
Now some of you may encounter the devil’s bargain if you get that far. Any old soul is worth saving at least to a priest, but not every soul is worth buying. So you can take the offer as a compliment. They charge the easy ones first, you know, like money, all the money there is. But who wants to be the richest guy in some cemetery? Money won't buy. Not much left to spend it on, eh, Gramps? Getting too old to cut the mustard.
Well time hits the hardest blows. Especially below the belt. How's a young body grab you? Like three card monte, like pea under the shell, Now you see it, now you don't. Haven't you forgotten something, gramps? In order to feel something, You've got to be there. You have to be eighteen. You're not eighteen. You are seventy-eight. Old fool sold his soul for a strap-on.
Of advice for young people.
引用元 :
・Internet Archive > Full text of "William S.Burroughs – Art Now: A Day of Contemporary Art Prose Reading, July 1989, Naropa Institute." (as of 2017/11/04)
Billy Cobham/SPECTRUM [Atlantic] rec.&release 1973

収録の 06b. Red Baron (comp - Billy Cobham) が元ネタというのは聞いていた。しかし、その元曲を聴いたことがなかったので書かなかった。ありがちなリフじゃないの?とも思っていたし。
これだけ雰囲気までそっくりだと、もうパクリ、ということでいいでしょう(笑)。なお作曲のクレジットはBill Laswellになってるので、厚顔無恥だねえ。
元曲のpersonnelは、Jan Hammer (el-p), Tommy Bolin (g), Lee Sklar (b), Billy Cobham (ds)。
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