William S. Burroughs/LET ME HANG YOU [Khannibalism] release 2016

Artworks : Michael Eaton & A.A. Khan
ここで引用するTHE NAKED LUNCH/『裸のランチ』の版は、
・William Burroughs (2001) NAKED LUNCH : THE RESTORED TEXT. vii+289pp. Grove Press, NYC.
← Original : (1959) THE NAKED LUNCH (The Traveller's Companion Series, no.76). Olympia Press, Paris.
・W・バロウズ・著, 鮎川信夫・訳 (2003.8) 『裸のランチ』(河出文庫). 373pp. 河出書房新社,
← 原版 : (1965.9) (人間の文学19). 河出書房新社, 東京.
William S. Burroughs (vo, words), Wayne Horvitz (kb), Bill Frisell (g), King Khan (g), Tony Sherr (b), Kenny Wollesen (ds) (推定)
08. Let Me Hang You
Frisellのdistortion guitarが支配するavangarde rockに乗せて、THE NAKED LUNCHでも最も過激な一節が朗読される。
張形Steely Danも登場(笑)。
A.J.'s Annual Party
from NAKED LUNCH, p.74
from 『裸のランチ』, p.130
Mary is strapping on a rubber penis: "Steely Dan III from Yokohama," she says, caressing the shaft. Milk spurts across the room.
"Be sure that milk is pasteurized. Don't go giving me some kinda awful cow disease like anthrax or glanders or aftosa...."
"When I was a transvestite Liz in Chi used to work as an exterminator. Make advances to pretty boys for the thrill of being beaten as a man. Later I catch this one kid, overpower him with supersonic judo I learned from an old Lesbian Zen monk. I tie him up, strip off his clothes with a razor and fuck him with Steely Dan I. He is so relieved I don't castrate him literal he come all over my bedbug spray."
"What happened to Steely Dan I ?"
"He was torn in two by a bull dike. Most terrific vaginal grip I ever experienced. She could cave in a lead pipe. It was one of her parlor tricks."
"And Steely Dan II ?"
"Chewed to bits by a famished candiru in the Upper Baboonsasshole. And don't say 'Wheeeeeeee!' this time."
"Why not? It's real boyish."
from NAKED LUNCH, p.77
「どうして? 男の子っぽくていいだろう」
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.133-134
The rising sun fills the room with pink light. Johnny is led in, hands tied, between Mary and Mark. Johnny sees the gallows and sags with a great "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" his chin pulling down towards his cock, his legs bending at the knees. Sperm spurts, arching almost vertical in front of his face. Mark and Mary are suddenly impatient and hot.... They push Johnny forward onto the gallows platform covered with moldy jockstraps and sweat shirts. Mark is adjusting the noose.
"Well, here you go." Mark starts to push Johnny off the platform.
Mary: "No, let me." She locks her hands behind Johnny's buttocks, puts her forehead against him, smiling into his eyes she moves back, pulling him off the platform into space.... His face swells with blood.... Mark reaches up with one lithe movement and snaps Johnny's neck... < -- omitted -- > A shudder runs down Johnny's body... one foot flutters like a trapped bird.... Mark has draped himself over a swing and mimics Johnny's twitches, closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out.... Johnny's cock springs up and Mary guides it up her cunt, writhing against him in a fluid belly dance, groaning and shrieking with delight... sweat pours down her body, hair hangs over her face in wet strands. "Cut him down, Mark," she screams. Mark reaches over with a snap knife and cuts the rope, catching Johnny as he falls, easing him onto his back with Mary still impaled and writhing.... She bites away Johnny's lips and nose and sucks out his eyes with a pop.... She tears off great hunks of cheek.... Now she lunches on his prick.... Mark walks over to her and she looks up from Johnny's half-eaten genitals, her face covered with blood, eyes phosphorescent.... Mark puts his foot on her shoulder and kicks her over on her back.... He leaps on her, fucking her insanely... they roll from one end of the room to the other, pinwheel end-over-end and leap high in the air like great hooked fish.
"Let me hang you, Mark.... Let me hang you.... Please, Mark, let me hang you!"
"Sure baby." He pulls her brutally to her feet and pins her hands behind her.
"No, Mark!! No! No! No," she screams, shitting and pissing in terror as he drags her to the platform.
from NAKED LUNCH, pp.81-82
のぼる太陽が部屋全体をピンク色に染める。ジョニーは両手を縛られて、メァリーとマークの間にはさまれて連行される。ジョニーは絞首台を見て、大声で「あ---!」と叫びながらあごをコックのほうへがっくりと落として身体を曲げ、両ひざを折って崩れ落ちる。精液がほとばしり、彼の目の前でほとんど垂直のアーチを描く。マークとメァリーは急にがまんできなくなって、すっかり興奮する・・・ 二人はジョニーの身体を前へ押して、かび臭いサポーターや厚地のセーターが散らばる絞首台の壇の上にのぼらせる。マークは輪なわを調節する。
「よし、さあ行くぞ」 マークはジョニーの身体を押して壇から突きはなそうとする。
「待って。わたしにやらせて」とメァリーが言う。彼女は両手をジョニーの腰にまわして抱き締めると、額を彼の額に押しつけて相手の目に微笑を送りながら後退し、ジョニーの身体を壇からはなして宙に引き出した・・・ ジョニーの顔は赤くふくれ上がる・・・ マークは柔軟な動作でさっと体をのばし、ジョニーの首を折る・・・< -- 省略 --> 大きな身震いがジョニーの身体を駆け下り・・・わなにかかった鳥のように片足をばたばたさせる・・・ マークはぶらんこに身体をまきつけ、ジョニーの痙攣の格好をまねしてみせ、目を閉じて舌を突き出す・・・ ジョニーの体がはね上がる。メァリーはそれを自分の体の方に誘いこむと、踊るように腹をくねらせて相手にしがみつき、歓喜のうめきをもらし金切り声を上げる・・・その身体を汗が流れ落ち、額にはぬれてなわのようになった髪が垂れ下がる。「切り落として、マーク」と彼女は叫ぶ。マークは飛出しナイフを持った手を伸ばしてロープを切り、落ちるジョニーを受け止めて、そっとあお向けに寝かせる。その間もメァリーはくし刺しになったままもがき続ける・・・ 彼女はジョニーの唇や鼻を食いちぎり、すぽんと目玉を吸いとる・・・ 続いて頬から大きな肉片をかみきり・・・ 今度は彼の先端を食べ始める・・・ マークがメァリーのほうへ歩み寄ると、彼女は食べかけの性器から口を離して上を見る。その顔は血にまみれ、目は燐光を放つ・・・ マークは片足をメァリーの肩に当て、けとばしてあお向けに転がす・・・ そして飛びかかり、狂気のように犯し始める・・・二人は部屋の端から端までごろごろ転がり、火輪花火のようにぐるぐるまわり、釣針にかかった大きな魚のように空中高くはね上がる。
「あんたを吊らせて、マーク・・・ 吊らせて・・・ ねえ、マーク、あんたを吊らせて!」
「よしきた」 マークは乱暴にメァリーを引っぱり起こすと、彼女の両手をうしろにまわして押さえつける。
「いやよ、マーク!! いや! いや!」とメァリーは悲鳴をあげ、壇のほうに引きずられながら恐怖のあまり大小便をもらす。
from 『裸のランチ』, pp.140-141
THE NAKED LUNCHの前半のハイライトだろう。アルバム/タイトルにもなっているし。
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